1. Healsonheels™ 100 Keybinds 3ButtonPaladin Spec

    The list is excerpted from her forthcoming biography;
    "The Sacred Holy Blessed Priest’s Handbook: Strategies and Guidance from Our Lady of Lordaeron St. Virgin Healsonheels"©

    E: Walk Forward
    S: Strafe Left
    F: Strafe Right
    Down Key: Backpeddle (Used for Elekk mount sex annoy people in STW)
    Left Key: Turn Left
    Right Key: Turn Right
    | (The button left from 1 Key): Watch BG Statistics, Damage Done, Healing Done, Flags capped
    1: Mana drink
    2: Mekgineer’s Chopper ground mount
    3: Every Woman for Herself (Human Racial, “trinket”)
    4: Power Infusion + Haste Procc trinket on Myself Macro
    5: Pain Supression on Myself Macro
    6: Inner Focus + Desperate Prayer-If Inner Focus is on CD it casts the other spell Macro
    7: Battlemasters Trinket Health Procc Use Trinket
    8: Inner Focus + Divine Hymn Macro
    9: Spawn Alliance Battle Standard for Battleground Stamina buff AoE (I put it on bushes or shhh around the coner)
    0: First Aid Bandage on nearest target if no target cast on self (OOM Arena) (Whisperzhit in BG I heal you with Bandage)
    Q: Shadow Word: Pain
    W: Flash Heal (Not Rank 1)
    E: Walk forward
    R: Dispel Magic
    T: Penance HEAL Target if Friendly-If Target is Enemy it will cast Penance on Myself Macro
    Y: Renew
    U: Cast Levitate on Myself - Cancel Levitate on Myself Sequence Macro
    I: Spawn Shadowfiend on Attack target + Fear Ward pet + Shield Pet Sequence spam macro
    A: Psychic Scream ("Fear")
    D: Holy Fire
    G: Power Word: Shield
    H: Prayer of Mending
    J: Put Target on Focus Frame-If no Target it forgets Focus
    K: Hymn of Hope
    L: Mind Vision Target (Used to see where people is exactly in BG or in arena emergency)
    < (The button to the Right of the left Shift key, “pinky finger key”): Fear Ward
    Z: Fade (Used in BG Arena to sometimes lose aggro from hunter warlock DK pets)
    X: Cast fishing
    C: Mana Burn
    V: No need to finish casting-Cast Instant Shadow Word: Death on Target Macro
    B: Holy Nova
    N: /train "Choo Choo" Sound emote macro
    M: Open Big Map
    , : Toggle walk/run (I use it when Mind Controlling someone) (Used with Elekk mount sex)
    . : Toggle Sit/stand (I sit and /afk so that someone in World thinks AFK and attacks)
    - : Shield weapon toggle (For swag in Stormwind with flowers or whatever item)
    Shift 2 : Turbo-Charged Flying Machine (Helicopter flying mount)
    Shift 4: Power Infusion on Target macro
    Shift 5: Pain Supression on Target macro
    Shift W: Inner Focus + Greater Heal-If Inner Focus is on CD it casts the other spell- Macro
    Shift R: Mass Dispel without losing the green targetting circle, spammable, mashable Macro.
    Shift T: Offensive Penance-DPS your Target if he is Enemy
    Shift Y: Levitate on Target
    Shift A: Mind Control
    Shift Q : Devouring Plague
    Shift D: Bugged Smite Macro (Used in to finish off people in duels and kill them)
    Shift G: Inner Focus + Prayer of Healing-If Inner Focus is on CD it casts the other spell- Macro
    Shift H: Mind Sear
    Shift C: Shackle Gargoyle Macro (It will target NEAREST Gargoyle and Shackle it)
    Shift V: SW: Death my Focused Enemy macro (I put mages on Focus for Death Sheep)
    Shift N: Spawn Sheep Non-Combat pet (Companion)
    Ctrl C: Open Character Window With All Stats Mod on the Side
    Ctrl B: Open ALL bags in 1 window
    Ctrl T: Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket ( Engineering Gloves & Wand macro for kill burst)
    Ctrl N: Clear target /laugh "Ha ha ha ha ha" Laugh sound, without targeting anyone Macro
    Ctrl V: Abolish Disease + Cure Disease Spammable Macro
    Ctrl W: Binding Heal
    Ctrl D: Mind Blast (Use to make Mage or Rogue kick Shadow school and lets you heal)
    Ctrl G: Shoot Wand Shoot (Used everytime there's nothing to do I wand, I never stand still)
    Ctrl 2: Elekk Elephant Mount for silly
    Shift Scroll Up: Nitro Boost Boots (Engineering boots)
    Shift Scroll Down: Swiftness Potion (Speed potion)
    Ctrl Scroll Up: Heavy Frostweave Net (The net that you throw and traps you "roots" you)
    Ctrl Scroll Down: Magic Dust (Sleeping dust)
    Alt Scroll Up: Mana Potion
    Alt Scroll Down: Health Potion
    Alt N: Clear Target /rolleyes "Roll eyes" without targeting anyone Macro
    Alt Q : Spam Shadow Word: Pain on Random Target Sequence, Change Target Pain, Change target Pain, Macro
    Alt 2: Black classy Horse mount, not epic, The one with no armor (Used for glamorous noble monocle gearset)
    Mouse Middle Button (Scroll Button press): Self Dispel
    * The next keybinds with asterisk I press them with my right hand then grab the mouse again
    *Numpad 7: Achievements Window
    *Numpad 8: Player Statistics Window
    *Numpad 9: Quest Log
    *Numpad 4: Prayer of Fortitude raid buff
    *Numpad 5: Prayer of Spirit raid buff
    *Numpad 6: Prayer of Shadow protection raid buff
    *Numpad 1: PW: Fortitude
    *Numpad 2: Spirit buff
    *Numpad 3: Shadow Protection
    *Numpad 0: Inner Fire
    *Asterisk * key on numpad: Toggle Autorun Off and On
    *Slash / Key on numpad: Inner Focus (Used for AFK with the high volume cast sound)
    *Next to Numpad 0 dot/point/period key: Resurrection
    *F12: Turn off UI visuals for Screenshot selfies
    *Print Screen: Screenshot
    *F8: Start recording
    *F9: Stop Recording
    Space Bar: Jump
    O: Open Guild window
    P: Open PvP Battleground queue window
    Page Up: Put camera zoomed in, like Tomb Raider, Resident Evil- for Fishing or for other stuff
    Page Down: Camera maxed zoomed out, edit Moded- lets me use more zoom than normal WoW
    Mouse Scroll Up: Interact With Mouseover (spam scroll updown to pick/repick flag fast)
    Mouse Scroll Down: Interact With Mouseover (QuestItemSpawn will appear on floor. Someone is there. ScrollSteal)
    Caps Lock: Cancel cast (Kill in duel, cast res, cancel cast, mount, go away, read whispers)

    Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3McuSSAoFw

    - Slayer of Masculinity-Archbishop Healsonheels™. The Lich Queen.
    Role playing gangstas. Non-combat pet trafficking mafia. Dueling bitzhes, battleground witches.
    @ www.WrathOfThelLichTwinks.TUMBLR.com
    Edited: December 27, 2015

  2. The title says it's a list of 100 keybinds. By Healsonheels. You read it and clicked on it. And replied: The text it's too long I didn''t read it. So much time wasted. I don't know dude, it was christmas, I didn't sleep well,I'm tired, I posted it because I have like 100 texts I could post, I will post them all over time... And they should fade, but please don't post this kind of comments, like, you already know my stupid name, you already know what kind of nonsense I type, just leave me alone dude, go do whatever you like to do in the forum but don't post this kind of replies, once you post it another guy will post a gif, then a picture, then it looks like a teenager's facebook page with the stupid 1998 memes insulting the guy who oepened thread... I know you guys have this troll thing and like haha yeah troll you bad troll bla bla bla... but I'm not trying to do that **** dude, yes I talk nonsense and yes I insult a lot of people but it's not like... It's my thing you know, it's not a forum troll war that you need to post YEAH GG NICE THREAD every time I open a Thread... I make my own inside jokes with my narcissism and self dilusion and whatever dude, I don't kwno whwy the **** you need to come and try to insult my ****, i'm not making fun of anyone or trying to fool you or IDK why you start posting ****. Well yeah I said the 3buttonpaladin but whatever... It's not to make fun... Just delete your comment/reply dude, I don't want the page to get full of those, and it will be going to top again, just... it's my ****jing keybinds dude,... we are in a stupid wow forum.. .it's like... say something human dude, ah yeah heals wtf it's too muich keys there's no need to bind this or that... idk... I know Italk a lot of stupid **** about a lot alot of things in chats, but this is that... it's like if I meet someone and I tell himoh yeah I play in Lordaeron, ah me too.l.. and I tell him I'm Healsonheels and he tells me he is warrior I don't give a **** dude... ****... I?m a person dude, I'm not Healsonheels in the stupid ggame, unjderstand that ****

  3. Cool thread, although unnecessarily overcomplicated.

  4. Cool thread, although unnecessarily overcomplicated.
    I know it's way too much keybinds and I have a lot of things that are not really necessary to have them on instant press buttons... Which is what keybinds are supposed to be, easy press keys so that our gameplay is faster and stuff, I have like keybinds that I use while... IDK... I have been using them for 6-8-10 years, I don't know how long I have been playing, but they have changed a little over tthe years, sometimes drastically, then I make little adjustments... I know it's a long talk about something that doesn't have a lot of... energy... to make a conversation but.. The point is that it has come to a point that I am super confortable with all keys, and I have been adjusting them, a lot... like... Even I have adjust them because for example... I can't press Fear (A) while strafing left (S) But I don't need that, I don't know why but it doesn't happen while I play, and IDK... according to my hands and keyboard and the way I play while PvP action and while in AFK Stormwind... I use them all, everyday... I still have 2 invisible bars of 12 buttons each on the right edge of my screen, they are on vertical and appaer upon mouse over, they have:

    Join/Leave Global Chat Sequence Macro
    Toggle On/Off Helmet Piece Visual Macro
    Toggle On/Off Cloak Visual Macro
    PvP gear Gearset
    PvE Spirit-Intellect Gearset
    RP Gearset (Rings and dress and necklaces with no level requirement)
    GS Gearset (All the gear with max Gearscore to run around STW to fool the people that uses that addon)
    Resilience Nude Gearset (gearset with trinkets rings with resilience with Shirt Robe Pants off, I use it on easy BGs to taunt Rogues or Duel Non Duelers)
    SP Gearset (Gearset with a working Spell POwer gear for a quick kill but OOM quick)
    /Y Macro that Horde reads: You Lose
    /Y Macro that Horde reads: Youre Mean
    Macro Sequence to change Purple dress, Blue dress, Red dress, Black Dress, PInk Dress, White dress. (Spam this button and it looks like a party)
    Food buff
    Toy Train Set
    Spawn Mage NPC Quest Giver Ghost guy
    Sparke text Macro for chat
    Extra Sparkle Macro for chat
    BIG HEALS macro for chat
    Guild Introduction and Website Macro for Chat
    Guild Tabard drawn and text for chat
    Meow Cat text for macro for chat
    1 or 2 slots to put items that I need to cast while questing or soemthing

    I wrote this little list also by memory, I remember the buttons and stuff becasue I chose the icons so that it reminds me or looks like what it is and I have the name of the macros toggled on on the buttons so I remember the positions without looking at them.

    The only thing that I am missing is extra anti ghosting... I have more than the usual, but I sometimes need the anti ghosting level of the "Gaming" keyboards.

  5. Solution for too many keybinds: Get a gaming mouse.

    I have 44 keybinds on my mouse and 30 on my keyboard.

  6. Solution for too many keybinds: Get a gaming mouse.

    I have 44 keybinds on my mouse and 30 on my keyboard.
    3rd World Country.

    Rekt Myself you freking Orcs and Taurens even outside the game...


    But yeah dude, I mean... Maaaaay be, may be I wouldn't be able to adapt to the 40 buttons, IDK... Thinking about it, having the spells on my right hand seems super weird, but the brain and the hands and coordination is also weird... may be it feels natural, I saw a video of Swfity that was playing with a weird thinig, and I was like fuuuu want... I just want a mouse that at least have the 2 extra buttons on the side you know, not gaming mouse, just like... Office Depot extra buttons mouse and a stupid keyboard that doens't make too much sound while you ****ing charge berkserk bladestrom and I have to literally pass my palm through all the keyboard hoping that I have some CDs available... makes me feel like a noob paladin who pressed all sheilds and hands hoping one pops even if he has that stupid pala debuff that every ability gives him... Anyways, I have some normal logitech keyboard and mouse package... with coords... and the keys are... I guess common noisy, but it's too much for my jump jump jump spamming, the space bar key is like too long and it makes sound because the sides are like loose. There's these just silent typing normal keyboards, I want one, may be one a very little smaller, I saw rekful had one.... Sometimes I find myself pressing Control with my pinky and K or L with the thumb and 2 or 3 with the bad word finger... aaaaahhh the ****ing scrolll it's the noisy one... ****... the scroll down, at night I use the Page Down on the keyboard becuase I feel it's like trtrrkkkkk trkkkkk trkkkkkk trkkkk only when scrolling down... and I do this a lot in PvP and in PvE questing when stealing items from people that had been 1 hour waiting for it.

    This reminds me of 2 somewhat funny things, 2 players rekted me so hard... I was leveling and I got to an item spawn item place, and there's always this 1 guy... not moving... and after like 5 minutes he whispers me this kind of long text... I am answering the text... some long kind of answer... the book spawns and I?m like amg... and he whispers me Working as intended. and i'm like asfijdasfjdsofjoiasdjofidjsofijadoñsfau!!!!! pience of ****... I was all getting sentimental with my answer and rekt... The other guy also didn't move for like 5 minutes then asked me for duel... he somehow tanked/aggroed me a little far from the place without being too obvious, he cancels duel and goes away jumping jumping jumping, item was there, he picks it, spawns mount and goes away... This was the second time I got rekt this way so I didn't freak out I was just like pfff GG rekt my *** again...

    Edit: In PvP I spam scroll up scroll down for 2 reasons... As Priest I do this to pick up the flag or start capping flags in AB or EotS, in WSG while scrolling I also move the mouse in horizontal oval form/shape... because the flag has that form... so my mouse iis like... you know, the cursor...

    When someone drops the flag and I have to return or repick it... The only players that win against me is people from EU because of latency and stuff... It's rare that someone does, so I whisper them and 90% are EU.

    And as Rogue I spam scrolling because I have a Sap Nearest Enemy Target and I put it on 2 bar slots, one binded to iscroll up and one bound to scroll down... I am Rogue Nice Butt Human Female with no shirt on and when I am Stealth I always have cat or bunny pet, so the... I won't say orcs :) So the guy i'm dueling is like amg he0s coming... and if he is rogue and stealths... Obviously I know the place where to the noob rogue would walk... but he is normal Rogue so he will try to be different so I will go there... and boom, I haven't been sapped while stealthed since 1998. JK but you know what I mean.
    Edited: December 26, 2015

  7. Tried to quote you, crashed my PC.

    Wall of text 2 stronk.

  8. i have a question.did anyone actually read the whole wall of text he post over and over ?

  9. i have a question.did anyone actually read the whole wall of text he post over and over ?
    Nah not really... Can't be asked... Make a TL;DR instead.

  10. Solution for too many keybinds: Get a gaming mouse.

    I have 44 keybinds on my mouse and 30 on my keyboard.
    well..like more then 30% of his binds are useless.fishing keyding really? multiple mounts keybind?you also add your fraps,screen shot and so on keybind to the list:D hell following your logic you can add every single button of your keyboard because you use it for something.

    btw you dont need expensive mouse to bind **** tons of keys there.my cost like 10$ only and have 2 extra buttons only but i have binded arena tar 1 2 3 party tar 1 2 3 focus 1 2 3 pet attack/follow and buffs.thats like 13 extra keybinds on nongaming mouse.
    Edited: December 26, 2015

  11. 1- Immolate
    3-chaos bolt

    2-crusader strike
    3-divine storm

    3-istant chain

  12. The title says it's a list of 100 keybinds. By Healsonheels. You read it and clicked on it. And replied: The text it's too long I didn''t read it. So much time wasted. I don't know dude, it was christmas, I didn't sleep well,I'm tired, I posted it because I have like 100 texts I could post, I will post them all over time... And they should fade, but please don't post this kind of comments, like, you already know my stupid name, you already know what kind of nonsense I type, just leave me alone dude, go do whatever you like to do in the forum but don't post this kind of replies, once you post it another guy will post a gif, then a picture, then it looks like a teenager's facebook page with the stupid 1998 memes insulting the guy who oepened thread... I know you guys have this troll thing and like haha yeah troll you bad troll bla bla bla... but I'm not trying to do that **** dude, yes I talk nonsense and yes I insult a lot of people but it's not like... It's my thing you know, it's not a forum troll war that you need to post YEAH GG NICE THREAD every time I open a Thread... I make my own inside jokes with my narcissism and self dilusion and whatever dude, I don't kwno whwy the **** you need to come and try to insult my ****, i'm not making fun of anyone or trying to fool you or IDK why you start posting ****. Well yeah I said the 3buttonpaladin but whatever... It's not to make fun... Just delete your comment/reply dude, I don't want the page to get full of those, and it will be going to top again, just... it's my ****jing keybinds dude,... we are in a stupid wow forum.. .it's like... say something human dude, ah yeah heals wtf it's too muich keys there's no need to bind this or that... idk... I know Italk a lot of stupid **** about a lot alot of things in chats, but this is that... it's like if I meet someone and I tell himoh yeah I play in Lordaeron, ah me too.l.. and I tell him I'm Healsonheels and he tells me he is warrior I don't give a **** dude... ****... I?m a person dude, I'm not Healsonheels in the stupid ggame, unjderstand that ****

  13. I play paladin and I have 2 key binds.

    I click on mount.

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    Razer Archbishop Healsonheels™ Chroma Console

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