1. Casino spam, are casinos allowed?

    Casinos are banned pretty much everywhere, on other priv servers and retail. Am seeing a lot of casino spam lately, and people are complaining about not getting paid when they do use them, is there an official stance as to if this is allowed on Lordaeron? IMHO, ban these spammy asshats, as global, and trade, and city channels are already clogged enough. Just my opinion.

  2. ""Casinos": Creating ingame casinos to let people roll for gold or other ingame good is forbidden. Those games end up most of the time as scams and are therefor forbidden."

    From the in-game rules. People have to make reports, instead of taking part and then complaining, though.

  3. I dint scam anyone. i have a few "casino" friends who enjoyed roll a bit and try their lucks. dindnt know that was a banning reason.. so i guess i will stop it. and please give a chance to farm like an hard and honest man please. cumps

  4. pffff casinos haha ppl take this game too seriously, stupid inventions. remind me the "selfie" **** blizzard implemented...

  5. The selfie by Blizzard is funny, that doesn't annoy anyone, nobody can be scam. It's just a funny feature...
    Here we talk about people who scams players with "casinos"

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