1. Goblin glider & store

    Hello there boys and girls,players and GM-s. I have a question about those 2 things you can see from the title and the thing I would like to ask is:
    1. will goblin glider ever gonna be fixed to work like it should,if yes,when we can expect it to be fixed
    2. will store ever get an update with new items,or this will be only items available in the store that are there right now,if it gonna get update with new stuff,when we can expect it to come,I would really like to see all items available that our old market palce (except legendarys and other unalowed items for lordaeron realm) had and potentionaly even some new stuff

  2. Yes the Goblin Glider is planned to be fixed, although we can't say how soon. The store will be definitely updated when new content is available in-game and after that - available for purchase.

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