1. Os 10

    Guys what is the tactic for os 10 here, do i need 3 healers, I think to try it with 2 heals 1 of which to be paladin, then the miniboses do a lot of damage what gear score do i need for the tanks and if the tanks constantly change for example every 5 seconds to tank the boss and minibosses will it work ? And is there anything else special i need to take into account since i havent done this new reworked OS before

  2. 2 tank, 2 healers; pala + aoe heal (like druid) is enuf

  3. What about the tanks, how tough they need to be

  4. What about the tanks, how tough they need to be
    Bis preraid should be enuf

  5. You should have mentioned those portals, i havent seen them back on Deathwing, maybe the dps was too low but on Tenebron thats second minibos there was every time 5-6 drakes comming out of the portal which was impossible to kill before next portal spawned, the tanks at 3500 gs were ok tho

  6. We cleared whole OS 10 0 drakes with 1 tank (prot paly), 3 healers (resto druid, resto shaman and holy paladin) and 6 dps. 2 tank is not rly needed for this raid if u do boss without drakes (for one or more drakes second tank is must ofc).

    Tank should be BiS hc/profs geared, aswell as healers.

  7. Bury that gear score into the deepest and darkest places of your holes. You can do OS10 very undergeared afaik it was 3k avarage dps which is nothing

  8. Can you explain what do you do on each boss because just saying that you cleard it qith one tank doesnt help me at all

  9. How about you figure it our by yourself?
    This is the point of the game, isn't it?

  10. How about you figure it our by yourself?
    This is the point of the game, isn't it?
    For different people the point is different, so please don't comment on this thread if you can't help

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