1. Problem

    Ceo dan ne mogu da se ulogujem u na server ne znam u cemu je problem....
    Slika sta mi izbaci : http://www.oldschool-samp.com/slike/.../wowscreve.jpg

  2. I ja imam isti problem ne znam kako da ga resim.Mada ja nemam nikakvih problema sa internetom

  3. Resio sam problem. i solved my issue, i think u can solve yours too, just go to your wotlk 3.3.5 folder>data>enus>realmlist, open realmlist with notepad (but make sure realmlist.wtf read only is unchecked), Than change "set realmlist logon.warmane.ru"to correct one "set realmlist logon.warmane.com"
    pratite ove instrukcije i resicete problem

  4. Kako da ja rijesim problem isto mi tako izbaci pomozite mi molim vas :(

  5. Imas gore sta trebas da radis. . .maccc992 je odgovorio i solved my issue, i think u can solve yours too, just go to your wotlk 3.3.5 folder>data>enus>realmlist, open realmlist with notepad (but make sure realmlist.wtf read only is unchecked), Than change "set realmlist logon.warmane.ru"to correct one "set realmlist logon.warmane.com"
    pratite ove instrukcije i resicete problem

  6. Isti problem, probao sve i dalje nece. Pomoc!

  7. imam problem sa pandariom izbacuje mi eror 132 i nece da me loguje hvala

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