1. 5.4.8 will open old raid and dungeons ?

    Hello guys i have question when 5.4.8 come. Will old raid and dungeons work ? I ask for farming mounts and xmog :D And sorry for bad english :S

  2. Hello guys i have question when 5.4.8 come. Will old raid and dungeons work ? I ask for farming mounts and xmog :D And sorry for bad english :S
    Read the devlog. https://www.warmane.com/devlog

  3. Transfering old content from Lordaeron would be awesome. At least we could farm mounts and xmogs till they release SoO and ToT hc.

  4. Transfering old content from Lordaeron would be awesome. At least we could farm mounts and xmogs till they release SoO and ToT hc.
    That's exactly what they're doing...

  5. That's exactly what they're doing...
    Not realy, they cant just copy-paste things from Lord to Frost... It is not that easy like people tend to think it is. Almost everything changed over those years that passed from LK xpac. They might be able to port some things (of code) that might help them fixing old stuff.

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