1. Frostwolf

    FW realm has like 200 people online , why does it still exsist ?

  2. why don't you mind your own business little boy

  3. FW realm has like 200 people online , why does it still exsist ?
    Maybe get a bit more info before commenting? There is normally 3,5k +/- on the server.

    Here is the reason why it is only 200 people online:

    January 26, 2016
    09:00 Frostwolf is now online and a stability issue has been resolved already. We continue to monitor the realm's stability and performance. Please remain patient while we resolve any post-patch issues.
    08:00 Frostwolf is down for the update, estimated downtime is 30 minutes.

    January 25, 2016
    Frostwolf will be taken offline at 08:00 on January 26 for the 5.4.8 upgrade, estimated downtime is 30 minutes.
    Players will require the new 5.4.8 client to connect, you can download it here.

    * * * *
    Read the front page next time, if you are not just doing this to troll.

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