1. Problems with amount of Players on server.

    Im not sure how it works,but it's really hard to find ores in this server,in it might be because of 11,000 people being online at peak times.
    Cant you make the repawn time a bit quicker. All these hours spent flying around and not finding anything.....

    + Today I saw a vein dissapear out of nowhere,no one mined it,as I was approaching it,there was a mob next to it,as I got closer boom,gone, Im not sure if someones hacking or smtn,but it had nothing to do with anything on my side,I've not encountered any delays so far,so that's a bit fishy. Has anyone encountered anything similar ?

  2. Where you explained a vein disappearing might have to do with zoning. To simply explain, some zones change when you enter them, depending on which part of the quest chain you are and veins change accordingly.

  3. Im not sure how it works,but it's really hard to find ores in this server,in it might be because of 11,000 people being online at peak times.
    Cant you make the repawn time a bit quicker. All these hours spent flying around and not finding anything.....

    + Today I saw a vein dissapear out of nowhere,no one mined it,as I was approaching it,there was a mob next to it,as I got closer boom,gone, Im not sure if someones hacking or smtn,but it had nothing to do with anything on my side,I've not encountered any delays so far,so that's a bit fishy. Has anyone encountered anything similar ?
    Agreed , certain stuff on the server should be at some point scaled to affect the current population .

    The devs read the forums daily , so cross your fingers :D

  4. Strange is that the auctionhouse is like 3000 ppl online realm, what comes saronite ore. Couple times i've seen bot farmer stacks, but not overflowed markets in general.
    So who snatched most of ores then, if not for sales or crafted items.. 11k online.
    Ofc prospected by JC's, but not too much uncommon gems or rare gems at AH if this is the case. It's normal if sometimes 200 x all uncommon gems by one noob JC who can't use professions, or just lazy (ye i'm guilty). And for sure alot vendored uncommons becourse low AH prices. But like i said, not even rare cuts for sale enough to explain where ore dissappears.
    Prospecting is bugged, sometimes 30% of ores "shooting blanks" gives zip, nada, nothing...
    Not too much saronite bars, Titanium etc. at AH.
    Dont tell me "sold out" lol. I spend most of my gameingtime at AH :D

    My conclusion: 'course most of ppl are still levelling saronite ore is not "over-farmed" atm. Ore spawnrates and bugged prospecting is the issue. (vote prospecting bug at bugtracker)
    Edited: February 15, 2016

  5. Kinda new here. Are the ores/herbs not dynamically spawning on this realm? I mean retail wotlk didn't have 11k ppl per realm, so the spawns should be changed to suit the population. You can't have retail spawn rates with a pop that is several times that of a retail wotlk realm. Haven't been here long, so would appreciate a reply.

  6. Kinda new here. Are the ores/herbs not dynamically spawning on this realm? I mean retail wotlk didn't have 11k ppl per realm, so the spawns should be changed to suit the population. You can't have retail spawn rates with a pop that is several times that of a retail wotlk realm. Haven't been here long, so would appreciate a reply.
    For someone with slow mount it takes hours to fly all around Northend,and finind 30 cobalt and 15 saronite just doesnt feel right. I know they have some sort of problems with Outlands veins.

  7. Yes that seems really low, i remember hitting Northrend for ores back in retail and it was never a problem, although the pop here is a lot bigger than on any retail realm. To balance it properly, the spawn rates should be increased so that it would suit the lvl of players, otherwise it's really messed up and ruins the mining/herbalism proffs.

  8. If you spend enough time trying to make gold youll notice a pattern. Ore respawn rate set to low, mobs that are known to be farmed like elementals / frostweave cloth dropping undead/humanoids in northrend spots set to long repawn timer etc etc. Its done by design to keep the market scarse. I noticed the tuning of slower respawn rate on mobs implemented about a week ago. Ore repops have always been set to low though. I mean i had to go mine elemental rock mobs in nagrand just to get over the hump because fel iron ore was non existant.....only server i ever been on that i had to do that.

  9. Funny, I can always find saronite randomly in Icecrown.

    But yes, mine veins are a bit ****ed up here. Gold veins all across kalimdor and eastern kingdom. Almost non-existent ore deposits around outlands....

  10. Yes that seems really low, i remember hitting Northrend for ores back in retail and it was never a problem, although the pop here is a lot bigger than on any retail realm. To balance it properly, the spawn rates should be increased so that it would suit the lvl of players, otherwise it's really messed up and ruins the mining/herbalism proffs.
    What makes you think the population here is a lot bigger than on any retail realm?

  11. What makes you think the population here is a lot bigger than on any retail realm?
    There are many sites that show stats of how many people there are online, just search wow realm population on google.

  12. What makes you think the population here is a lot bigger than on any retail realm?
    The facts...

  13. There are many sites that show stats of how many people there are online, just search wow realm population on google.
    Many sites, such as? Could you provide a link to one of those sites? I didn't find any that showed real time people online.

    Really? The facts? Ok! =)

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