1. Population & Dungeons

    Hello !

    I've been studying the population of the realm for a while and smth strange has come into my attention ... It seems like the pop had decreased since the moment when the pop cap was raised to 11k .. What makes me believe this ? Well generally speaking is the fact that a while ago the realm had almost at any time of the day almost 3k / 3,x K ppl log-ed in and now at any hour there are around 2k/2,x K ... Also another thing that make me draw out a conclusion like this is the fact that even in the late afternoons ( except Friday and weekends ) the realm doesn't reach the pop cap , yesterday around 8 o'clock GMT+2 the pop was standing at 8K .... So what do you guys think ? I'm right ? I'm wrong ?

    Moving on from the pop subject .... Another thing that intrigued me was the lack of ppl for normal dungeons ... Every dungeon group that is in need of ppl is doing lvl 80 Heroics and have 3k+ gs req ... I find this thing strange because from my knowledge ( not claiming to be an expert ) reaching such a gs requires to compete some dungeons in order to get some gear . So the natural question that arise is : " How em I supposed to reach 3k gs when i'm unable to complete things like Magister's Terrace , Shadow Labyrinth , Nexus , UC , and so on ? "

    TY for patience of reading such a long post , and maybe on some points nonsensical ...

  2. Well, there's the hype slowly lifting, there's the frustration of not being able to quickly reach 80, and the frustration of the increased raid difficulty - these three things cause players to leave, which is totally expected in my opinion.

    Regarding dungeon, you should have done pretty much every normal dungeon in the game by the time you're 80. Nexus, UK, AN, AK, Gundrak, Drak'tharon Keep, HoS, HoL, VH - all of these have leading quests for them and are situated in same-level zones. However, CoS, UP, and Oculus are a little off-the-line and will require dedicated grouping. Usually I'm +3k GS a day or two after I ding 80.

  3. Well, there's the hype slowly lifting, there's the frustration of not being able to quickly reach 80, and the frustration of the increased raid difficulty - these three things cause players to leave, which is totally expected in my opinion.
    there's also the fact that with an 11k cap there's most likely less people logged in being afk, or sitting at the char select screen.

  4. The 11k cap is okay, I feel. Yes, there's tons of players sitting AFK and in char select (including me, when I can't play in the early afternoon but want to play in the evening), but that doesn't affect the cap so much. I noticed a population drop yesterday too, but I explain it with the recent DDoS attacks and the Wintergrasp instability. People tend to take short breaks when such occurrences happen.

    Overall, Lordaeron should keep its focus on quality - whereas they can't change anything about hype drop, lazy levelers or underperforming raiders, if players notice a halt in development it can cause them to leave the realm for good and switch to another 1x WotLK private server (and there are some good ones out there). I'm still leveling myself and I've already noticed several bugs (focusing mainly on class bugs), some of which are being addressed, others - not.

  5. Hello !

    I've been studying the population of the realm for a while and smth strange has come into my attention ... It seems like the pop had decreased since the moment when the pop cap was raised to 11k .. What makes me believe this ? Well generally speaking is the fact that a while ago the realm had almost at any time of the day almost 3k / 3,x K ppl log-ed in and now at any hour there are around 2k/2,x K ... Also another thing that make me draw out a conclusion like this is the fact that even in the late afternoons ( except Friday and weekends ) the realm doesn't reach the pop cap , yesterday around 8 o'clock GMT+2 the pop was standing at 8K .... So what do you guys think ? I'm right ? I'm wrong ?

    Moving on from the pop subject .... Another thing that intrigued me was the lack of ppl for normal dungeons ... Every dungeon group that is in need of ppl is doing lvl 80 Heroics and have 3k+ gs req ... I find this thing strange because from my knowledge ( not claiming to be an expert ) reaching such a gs requires to compete some dungeons in order to get some gear . So the natural question that arise is : " How em I supposed to reach 3k gs when i'm unable to complete things like Magister's Terrace , Shadow Labyrinth , Nexus , UC , and so on ? "

    TY for patience of reading such a long post , and maybe on some points nonsensical ...
    This is quite normal, that people come and go, especially after the december holidays, where a lot of people had time to invest on WoW, and perhabs these players either got bored by the game by now, or simple doesn't have the time.

    There's still plenty of players, and there will probably come more!

  6. Hello !

    I've been studying the population of the realm for a while and smth strange has come into my attention ... It seems like the pop had decreased since the moment when the pop cap was raised to 11k .. What makes me believe this ? Well generally speaking is the fact that a while ago the realm had almost at any time of the day almost 3k / 3,x K ppl log-ed in and now at any hour there are around 2k/2,x K ... Also another thing that make me draw out a conclusion like this is the fact that even in the late afternoons ( except Friday and weekends ) the realm doesn't reach the pop cap , yesterday around 8 o'clock GMT+2 the pop was standing at 8K .... So what do you guys think ? I'm right ? I'm wrong ?

    Moving on from the pop subject .... Another thing that intrigued me was the lack of ppl for normal dungeons ... Every dungeon group that is in need of ppl is doing lvl 80 Heroics and have 3k+ gs req ... I find this thing strange because from my knowledge ( not claiming to be an expert ) reaching such a gs requires to compete some dungeons in order to get some gear . So the natural question that arise is : " How em I supposed to reach 3k gs when i'm unable to complete things like Magister's Terrace , Shadow Labyrinth , Nexus , UC , and so on ? "

    TY for patience of reading such a long post , and maybe on some points nonsensical ...
    Have to remember that the reason why the population was a bit lower yesterday was because the server was not very stable. Normally the server have 11k online at afternoons. Just look how the drops is at the information page, you can see there that it was a few disconnects yesterday.

    So do not conclude that the server is losing population out of one bad day^^:p

    To talk about dungeons, there are a lot of people doing normals for 80s. You migth not get a full level 80 run, but there will always be people willing to do normal dungeons between 70-80 to gear up.
    When I leveled up I join many dungeons where people was everything from level 70-80 depends on what instance we were doing. I also have done a few normals now as a level 80, and got 3,2k gs pretty easy actually.

    A lot of changes and updates yesterday that migth have caused the population to drop for one day, I guess it will be back to normal today:

    February 23, 2016
    15:30 Wintergrasp has been disabled temporarily to improve performance in the zone.
    13:00 Several stability issues have been resolved and the realm is now back online again.
    12:00 Lordaeron maintenance has been completed and the realm is back up again. Wintergrasp has been released in beta stage, including Vault of Archavon.
    11:00 Lordaeron is currently undergoing maintenance. Expected downtime is 1 hour.
    Edited: February 24, 2016

  7. well i got bored of the game - i do dailies (no idea why tho) and then logging out... maybe coz pvp with hordes sux - and the raids, wasting too much time coz of the difficulty. and setting standards for top guilds is too much for most of the ppl here and like we all know - u depend too much on other ppl so i dont really care anymore but im happy for ppl who can afford it :) there are alot of ppl like me i guess so heres ur reason pop going down but its still high so its all fine^^

  8. My oppinion on the slight decrease over time in population in the last weeks

    As others did I noticed as well population is decreasing by small amounts since 2-3 weeks, the server is still the most populated by far and thats a fact, but i want to say what i find as a reason at least a partial reason for this decrease but with largest impact at least for my self. I am noticing Warmane are again as before little by little getting torn over the the two (WotLK and MoP) and even the three expansions which is slowing down the rate of updates again towards the rates of pre Lordaeron (once a month) the major releases as well, we were supposed to have Wintergrasp implemented 3 weeks ago you got the point. So my opinion is that everything else but Lordaeron needs to be frozen until a week or two after Lord's core is transferred (which should happen imo at least after there are more fixed than un/confirmed bugs on the bug tracker) so that the merged Rag and Deathwing can be fixed of the initial serious problems that will surely arise after such a big update.

  9. I had a ton of free time too until one month ago - unemployed, single, Christmas. Now I barely log once per day to get one level-up on my char, then log out. Not complaining though - it's just my priorities. In general, holidays play a huge role for an MMORPG. You'll see what'll happen when July comes and kids enter summer holiday.

    Lord's core won't be transferred until after ICC is released and bug-proofed, I believe. And that will take a while. Lord was under the spotlight for a long time, but it can rest now as Naxx is fully tweaked and people have stuff to do. I think this is why they focused on Cata and MoP now, just to let players know that they haven't forgotten them, regardless of their small numbers. Warmane can now (and probably already did) evaluate how long the players will need to consistently clear Naxx25, Maly25 and maybe even OS+drakes, and then release Ulduar, for which I am sure there will be tons of issues, which will draw their full attention.
    Edited: February 24, 2016

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