1. Faction Change - 2 Questions

    Greetings, I want to know only 2 things about this service. I don't know really where to ask this information.

    1 - ¿How many times can I change my faction?

    2 - ¿Can I stay with the bounty of the previous faction's quest , such as "Sunstrider Axe"? . I will change my faction twice but i need to be secure about if this is possible.

    I want to get this item from Horde and get back to the Alliance. Only that.

    Thanks for reading.

  2. This is incorrect, if you go to the store you CAN faction change on Lord.

  3. 60 Euros = 1000 Pesos Argentinos

    But Sunstrider Axe is the best item to put Lifestealing, so it really worth.

  4. I don't know what level is that item or quest or what level is your character. I am from Mexico and 60 Euros is around 70 dollars. If you live in a third world country that is 6 days of work, 9 hours a day, in a random fast food or retail store job.

    Yes, you can donate electronically or going to the bank or whatever, the coins will appear in your account almost instantly, you can faction change, do whatever you have to do, and change again.

    I played a 19 twink a couple of weeks ago, we had 19s on Alliance, and there's items that we would like to have that are only available to Horde. When the new services were available in Lordaeron for coins, some people started a level 1 Horde, leveled to 19, get all items, pay 30 coins to transfer, some people paid the 60 coins to transfer twice, it just depends on what you value the most or what you are able to spend, time or money. And how much time you have spend on your Alliance character, may be it's worth to delete it, may be not, again, I don't know anything about the quest and level.

    Once you faction transfer you are able to change your name and the appearance, race and sex. It comes with the 30 coins donation to faction transfer.

    - Healsonheels †

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