1. Transfer to lower que times?

    Would you consider maybe allowing free transfers from alliance for 10 days maybe to shorten the que times for ally players??? Would that even help?
    On horde side its instant usually on ally its around 5mins

  2. Honestly that doesnt sound really fair considering that player base is pretty even on both sides.Horde players simply dont pvp a lot....

  3. Well I dont think so at all. How you know that they dont pvp a lot??? Where you get that info?

  4. would be nice if they allowed free transfer (or for old amount of 15 points) for a short while.

    alot of players switched to alliance and now that they changed the cost to 30 points its hell to get a transfer.
    but thats a personal problem so ;)

  5. Have you ever checked info page ? Or maybe I don't know top 100 rated players or something along those lines ? There are about 10 people in top 100 that come from horde, other 90 are from alliance, and guess what population is about the same, only horde is constantly spamming for RDF / raids while on aliance side on global you can only see 2s / 3s spammers with a couple of RBG or rated msgs.I play on both sides so I notice it as well, if you want lower bg wait times simply go to horde, there are few well organized pvp guilds who do premades constantly.

  6. Im playing on both sides. I think that majority of the people playing alliance in arenas cuz human racial, nothing else.
    Would be nice if they try to balance it a little bit at least. Even in the late evening on horde que is below 1 min and on ally +5mins

  7. There is already faction change availbe for 30 vp's, so there is no need for free and especially for 10 days period.
    That wouldnt change anything at all.
    When the times come, pvpers from ally will move back to horde and so, then back to ally. Thats how it is going on.

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