1. The "Collectors" event(s)

    Saturday / Sunday.

    First part in a number of sessions we plan to have. There will be intrigue and the RP in nature is serious, however, in any story there is plenty of room for humor as long as it is in character. Usually you just have to be a bit clever about it. All are invited who wish to contribute to the 'collective' as long as they consider other peoples fun 1st and their own enjoyment a close 2nd. Staying in character in the /say channel is expected. On a side note, Those who attempt to intentionally derail or troll or other etc. will be asked to leave.

    Post here or PM myself.

    Edited: March 4, 2016

  2. It has begun! The seasoned pack of 'wolves' hunt their quarry. A demon watches from afar in disguise. Ratsach stirs in the night, sweat beading down her brow in the crips night air tossing and turning unable to get comfortable. She does not take failure lightly, it consumes her like a flame from inside.

    Ratsach is an NPC host tour guide springboard for furthering RP in the guild.

  3. A man, a woman, a child, with little or nothing in common all tell their stories. Who is too be believed, it is clear something or someone has affected the minds of these otherwise non-descript run-o-the-mill lot. The only commonality between all of them is their birthplace, dalaran. None recall why or how they traveled to stormwind nor their purpose for doing so. The collective, travels by mage portal to dalaran looking for answers where one of them meets an old acquaintance who seems to be just as cryptic as the suspects in question.

    To be continued...

  4. Cancelled due to sporadic interest.

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