1. Disconnect

    Im Logg in after 3-4 mins disconnect Help plz :(

  2. It's been happening the whole day if they cared enough to reply or to inform the community , they would've done it by now .
    But i guess it has something to do with pet battles and the new bg..

  3. i don't know wtf that is but i want to play ....

  4. man impossible to play few games without getting kicked every time .......

  5. I think it's related to the new battleground they added, i have a disconnession every time i join it

  6. Im pretty sure it's from pet battle archievements.

  7. Silvershard Mine was up today... briefly then DC. Been like that ever since.

  8. Can anyone from the stuff give any explanation ?

  9. this is getting ridiculous... its went from every ten minutes to every 10 seconds

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