1. What people are doing for real?

    There is over double the amount of players online than there was before moltdown and still everything is more inactive than ever. WHAT is people doing for real? There can't be 4000 bots....

  2. Waiting for Ulduar to open

  3. Well, there are more people in many diffrent leveling zones too. Now you can't vote/donate that easy (can't vote) and the leveling rate is lower then many of the servers, makes people more spread out.

  4. Things are happening extremely slowly, promises have not been kept, and people have been complaining about incompetent staff.

  5. People are just spamming alts and waiting for fos/pos, personally i hope those 2 never get released.

  6. Well, once you get 80lvl and gear yourself, the only logical thing to do is roll an alt... or leave.

  7. Care to elaborate?

    I do my daily heroic and try to do my other 24 dailies for gold.
    I play WG whenever its up.
    I farm mats for my profession cooldowns.

    Then I usually log off.

    Maybe theyre hunting achievements. Im over 5k so there isnt **** for me to do there.

    I dont get what you mean inactive as ever? If you mean heroics, well yeah alot of people just do the daily and dont need any more then that.

  8. Lvling alts with cooldown professions, and waiting for major pvp bugs get fixed.

  9. got lvl 80y, geared up a little, got bored (cuz nothig 2 do), moved to another server :D

  10. raid logging until Ulduar. a lot of pvpers have quit or gone elsewhere. it's just the lul before new content. server should pick up again with Ulduar because the content is a little more challenging compared to the first tier of Wrath raiding.

  11. meh the reason not playing here or being is inactive is not having that hardcore feel. I earned my 80y in fair way, but some dingleberries got lvl 60 in 1day and the rest 20 levels less than 18hours. +toxic kids:(

  12. meh the reason not playing here or being is inactive is not having that hardcore feel. I earned my 80y in fair way, but some dingleberries got lvl 60 in 1day and the rest 20 levels less than 18hours. +toxic kids:(
    Why would anyone cared about others leveling faster? It doesn't change the game for you...There are many reasons why people are leaving or are inactive but this one is bull**** tbh.

  13. There is over double the amount of players online than there was before moltdown and still everything is more inactive than ever. WHAT is people doing for real? There can't be 4000 bots....
    I put Pain Suppression on my head and queue again.

    Full Grand Marshal's Investiture. I don't give a shlt.

  14. srsly 700 BGs, half of which are only WSG?!? dafuk

  15. Ha... yeah... and I don't leave BGs or run away from duel zone... Some players do these 1 minute before losing the BG, or when they ar egoing to lose the duel, and their stats don't get affected. I inspect a lot in PvP, no one cares about stats but that's what I check when I inspect, I don't check gear or talents or achiemvents. I like to check BG win-lose ratio, specific BG winlose ratio, Warsong gulch flags capped and returned, and duels lost and won :)

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