1. Frost dk after the new core

    so I was just wondering if a bis frost dk dealing 14.5k max with frost strike while inside icc is a bug or its actual damage

  2. so I was just wondering if a bis frost dk dealing 14.5k max with frost strike while inside icc is a bug or its actual damage
    if u were using str build enjoy ur double dipping frost strike being fixed keke

  3. Still even with double dipping fixed damage is 2 low, if u check MbExtremeLive retail video you will see that he hits average 12k on dummy and max crit 15k on Frost Strike, with 6.2 GS and 2 pvp weapons[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAus3WCWhCQ ] also dont make me dig some DBS videos from 2009, frost strike used to hit arround 20-28k total DMG, but not 15k @ full burst with Taunka STS and Call of the Wild, I think they have incorrect % and str scaling at the frost damage haven't went that deep into testing but the Frost Strike damage is proly now 50% of blizzard Frost Strike gurantee you that, anyways no missing @ mainhand with 4% hit bug is kinda replacing the FS dmg but still. Overall i think DK is most screwed class right now, with the pets having 20 base str and not gaining hit,exp,haste,resil,spellpen,crit from the player and the actual ghoul criting 600 in icc. At the moment frost 100% arpen build with 3-4% hit is most viable ( u'll miss pesti every now and than but w/e its worth it ), i did arround 20k end dps @ saurfang 25H on my DK post core change its not bad, but its not good either, also with the Fallen Crusader PPM is now 1 instead of 2 and the howling blast not giving any RP on Rime proc, dk's are really damaged in terms of dps , like they have been entire life on all private servers and expansions that I know off, seems like scripting dk is complicated since nothing ever worked even close to 70%. They fixed obliterate glyph and t10x2+x4 but fcked up 10 other things so...Meantime mages crit 60k in icc with AB and 30k arcane blasts which hit in 6-7 times for 30k in 1.2 sec @burst depending on RNGESUS.

    So frustrating from a Main DK POV.

    PS: that icy touch aggro be a joke atm, does less threat than blood strike lmao
    PSS: I didnt pay attention to caps, spelling and etc if i have mistakes idc , handle it :D
    Edited: March 28, 2016

  4. DKs are pretty ****ed right now, yes. Blood Gorged still doesn't work properly, it seems, Frost Strike's damage is wrong (not just fixed), and pet scaling is still horrible.

    There's nothing wrong with Icy Touch threat though, I don't know what you mean.

  5. It does like half TPS
    Explain. Or I'll just not accept your claim.


    I just tested threat on Ragnaros and Lordaeron and if anything it seems that I am actually generating TOO MUCH threat - around 10% higher than it should be. And I'm not talking just about Icy Touch.
    Edited: March 28, 2016

  6. Dont accept my claim than idk what to tell u , but u'll see in bugtracker once ppl notice :D. my human dk's threat is loer than idk, a 4.5k shadow priest

    OK seems like this was Malygos bug in the EoE with the threat just saw it on bugtracker , sorry for the confusion
    Edited: March 28, 2016

  7. Tho somebody who has time , should make a thorough investigation on what is wrong with Frost Strike and report it ,because damage is lower than it used to be on live servers!

    As well as the bug that Rime + Howling blast doesn't fill any Runic power!!

    And that Blood Gorged is not giving 10% armor penetration ( 140 rating ) !
    Edited: March 28, 2016

  8. As well as the bug that Rime + Howling blast doesn't fill any Runic power!!
    This has already been explained in another thread. It's not a bug. You have to be spending runes in order to receive RP. That's not the case with Rime-Procs.

    Also the FS dmg isn't this low. I'm running an ArP build and my FS dmg dropped from about 20% to ~13-15% of my overall dmg. And I'm pretty close to the dps I could excpect according to some retail data.

  9. hmn, with a complete fix will arp be better on frost now?

  10. hmn, with a complete fix will arp be better on frost now?
    it should be. only blood aint getting max dmg from arp, since bloodgorged talent just doestn work like it should

  11. Dont accept my claim than idk what to tell u , but u'll see in bugtracker once ppl notice :D. my human dk's threat is loer than idk, a 4.5k shadow priest
    Again, I've tested DK threat already on Ragnaros and Lordaeron and it's even HIGHER than it should be, not lower. If you're losing threat to an undergeared SP, then something else is wrong... but it's not the class.

  12. if u were using str build enjoy ur double dipping frost strike being fixed keke
    Please explain how was Frost Strike double dipping before the release of new core? Since everyone talks how it was double dipping and noone can explain it...

    Frost Strike DMG is nowhere near what it should be. I raided ICC 25m HC this weekend and even on a single target, Howling Blast crit is higher than Frost Strike crit with double Havocs Call and 100% armor penetration build. That should never happen... On a single target fight FS should be doin arround 16-20% overall DMG done. Something is definetly wrong with the formula i can tell u that.
    Free Howling Blast from Rime talent should not give u runic power if u dont have Chill of the Grave 1/2 or 2/2.
    About Icy Touch, i rly dont see what is the problem, i didnt test it i can tell u that, but i know that from our 25m hc raid this weekend our Frost DK tank had no issues with aggro at all... He even said it himself that his aggro is a beast.

    For Frost DKs as DPS overall, only way to play it end game is with Sigil of Awareness, Berzercher + Fallen Crusader wep enchants, and armor penetration cap since Frost Strike isnt doin DMG at all.

    Unholy talent: "Wandering Plague" is underprocing A LOT on multiple targets. Im not sure if the "DMG to all enemies in 8 yard" part isnt working or something else, but out of 400 disease ticks in constant AOE on Ghouls, Ragings and Valks on LK 25m hc it had arround 100 ticks. DK had arround 47-50% melee crit chance.
    On AoE fights, as Unholy DK, DND should be on top, followed by Wandering Plague, then Blood Plague + Frost Fever. In our run, on AoE fights and trash, Wandering was behind melee hits on Recount.
    Edited: March 28, 2016

  13. Read my edit about the threat , it was in EoE and that is on bugtracker its Malygos aggro bug since I only did 2 EoE on my tank.

    For the rime proc i did some research simes like it blizzard didnt want "Freebies" to give RP , :/ cant believe i didnt notice this before. So i guess i was wrong about that

    What pwnam3 said even without double dipping Frost strike damage is low, my friend has a private video from 100% arp @ retail and his crits are ~25k in icc on frost strike, warmane damage is absurd, whoever says Frost Strike is working like it should is crazy, yesterday i crit higher blood strike than frost strike, that's fcking impossible man.

    PS: If you check MbExtremeLive's dummy test you will see that he hits ~ 14k frost strikes on dummy with pvp gear on and ~6.2 gs and he uses crappy trinkets
    Edited: March 28, 2016

  14. On a single target fight FS should be doin arround 16-20% overall DMG done.
    And for me it did 14.4% in my last ICC run in BiS ArP gear.

    PS: If you check MbExtremeLive's dummy test you will see that he hits ~ 14k frost strikes on dummy with pvp gear on and ~6.2 gs and he uses crappy trinkets
    I just tested my dmg on a dummy and I crit for max 15.5k with Obliterate on a dummy with UA, Blood Fury and Trinkets procced. Only self-buffed, no consumables, ~2kk dmg done. Do you really think FS should be doing almost the same dps?


    And are you refering to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAus3WCWhCQ? He's not critting for 14k FS. I hope you are not refering to the 2hit sticky crap of MSBT. *This just http://wotlk.openwow.com/spell=65661

    And if you need more evidence check Rikofelts FDK guide. There is a picture showing avg. FS hits pre new core with FS critting for ~17k max inside ICC.
    Edited: March 28, 2016

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