1. http://i.imgur.com/HWEdQ12.png Divine Storm hits about 1-1.2k avg more than Crusader Strike and is a 10 second cooldown while Crusader Strike is a 4 second cooldown. The reason it's not recommended by any other Ret 3.3.5 DPS guide out there to use Divine Storm over Crusader Strike in less than 2p T10 is because you end up locking up your rotation and having downtime if you're not using Crusader Strike off CD other than when Judgement is up which means you lose DPS. The only time using Divine Storm is recommended over Crusader Strike in less than 2p T10 is when there are 2+ mobs present like Snobolds on Gormok. Even if you do not have the EoF libram, Crusader Strike is still better to prioritize over Divine Storm in less than 2p T10.
    There used to be an in-depth argument about this in the old guide. If only it were still around.
    One small remark, don't use jol if there's an hpal specced into divinity and/or running glyph of seal of light in your healing comp.
    Was avoiding this until the proc rate was entirely fixed. Also, I'm lazy. I'll need to look up and replace links. Will do soon tm.

  2. Anyone tested how viable herkuml war token is compared to darkmoon greatness strenght one? My other trinket is wfs and I got 4p T10

  3. Anyone tested how viable herkuml war token is compared to darkmoon greatness strenght one? My other trinket is wfs and I got 4p T10
    What is the general trinket ranking?
    Tiny Abomination in a Jar(Heroic)>Tiny Abomination in a Jar>Sharpened Twilight Scale (heroic)>Death's Choice (heroic)>Whispering Fanged Skull (heroic)>Death's Choice>Sharpened Twilight Scale>Whispering Fanged Skull>Herkuml War Token>Deathbringer's Will(heroic)>Deathbringer's Will>DMC:Greatness (Strength)>Needle-Encrusted Scorpion>Banner of Victory

    From ElitistJerks

  4. What is the general trinket ranking?
    Tiny Abomination in a Jar(Heroic)>Tiny Abomination in a Jar>Sharpened Twilight Scale (heroic)>Death's Choice (heroic)>Whispering Fanged Skull (heroic)>Death's Choice>Sharpened Twilight Scale>Whispering Fanged Skull>Herkuml War Token>Deathbringer's Will(heroic)>Deathbringer's Will>DMC:Greatness (Strength)>Needle-Encrusted Scorpion>Banner of Victory

    From ElitistJerks
    Literally in the guide.

  5. Originally Posted by Mercy
    That's a Death Knight though. How it works and the stat values in general, differences between the two classes make the weapon far less interesting for a Ret. I will test it and see though.
    That's also considering that it's more of a tank and pvp weapon than it is a dps weapon.

    Edit: Attacked a dummy for about 6 minutes, doing full rotation, "Drain Life" was worth about 7.5% of my DPS. So it procs pretty well, but I still wouldn't say it's worth the loss of weapon damage or strength/AP/Crit from other weapon options.
    Do you happen to remember the amount it was hitting for on that dummy? Trying to get it on my Icecrown Pala to test it out in a raid environment with haste buffs and see how strong it is inside of ICC.

  6. Do you happen to remember the amount it was hitting for on that dummy? Trying to get it on my Icecrown Pala to test it out in a raid environment with haste buffs and see how strong it is inside of ICC.
    ~3k on a dummy iirc. I hadn't used it in a raid.

  7. By replacing an item you have with hit rating on it, with an item that has less or none. Or replace hit rating gems if you are using any.

  8. I have to correct myself.

    Seal of Righteousness is OP af for single target DPS (when u have to switch targets a lot and u cant stack 5/5 SoV that often, PP 25m hc for example), especialy with the latest Shadowmourne fixes and /cancelaura Chaos Bane macro.

    Glyph of Seal of Vengeance
    Glyph of Seal of Righteousness
    Glyph of Judgment

    To every ret out there, Seal Priority on Lich King encounter:

    Phase 1: Seal of Vengeance
    *try starting a fight with a 1.5sec speed wep and a Shield. Start with Crusader Strike > Shield of Righteousness > Consecration > 5/5 SoV > swap to 2h wep > Wings > Judgment > go ham...

    Transition phase 1: Seal of Righteousness

    Phase 2:
    When there are no Valks: Seal of Righteousness
    When Valks come down: Seal of Command
    When u kill Valks and go back on LK: Seal of Rightousness
    When Valks come down again: Seal of Command
    *If u have mana issues, dont use Consecration when u DPS the LK alone, and use Plea off CD

    Transition phase 2:
    Seal of Righteousness > On first 2 Raging spawns
    Seal of Command > After 3rd Raging spawns if there are 2+ alive

    Phase 3: Seal of Vengeance
    *While in Frostmourne chamber equip that 1.5sec speed wep and a Shield. As soon as u go out try to stack 5/5 asap and swap to 2h wep (try doin this without spreading the defile and wipeing the raid)

    Dance with Seals a lot, not only on LK encounter.

    On some encounters like PP u should use Seal of Rightousness constantly, maybe do the 1.5sec speed 5/5 SoV after u kill last ooze before phase 3 starts and stick with Seal of Vengeance in p3. Just whenever u have to switch targets a lot use SoR.
    Lord Marrowgar should also be done in SoR if u have to kill the spikes, which u should as Ret.
    Lady Deathwisper P1 when u have to switch from the boss to the adds, while on boss SoR, while on adds SoC.
    And so on...

    Whenever u have to DPS 2+ targets use Seal of Command.

    If u swap from SoC to SoR try saving Judgment for SoR since it deals almost 3 times of SoC Judgment DMG. When i say try saving it, its for 1-2sec, and ONLY if u dont have mana issues.

    If u have mana issues stop using spells like Consecration and Holy Wrath, those 2 eat ur mana pool. U wont lose any DPS, just smash that DS button in case it resets while u wait for CDs. U can also skip Exorcism since its not a huge DPS lost depending on how desparate for mana u are.

    Think outside of the box, read ur spells. GL and HF. :D

    Edit: If u dont have Shadowmourne and u use Gloren which will most likely cap ur expertise without Seal of Vengeance if u use T10 legs aswell, use Glyph of Seal of Command and u wont ever have mana problems.
    Edited: January 26, 2017 Reason: Gloren...

  9. Think outside of the box, read ur spells. GL and HF. :D
    everything that you just said is literally in the guide

    thank god that you repeated every single piece of information that can be found on google in a matter of five minutes what would this game be without this new ideas that show up years later (SARCASM ALERT)

  10. Oh, sorry, my bad, guess thats why 90% of Rets use SoV on both PP and LK regardless of phase, and noone uses SoR glyph cos Consecration Glyph is so usefull...

    From the actual guide:
    What should you use? Normally you would use Seal of Vengeance/Seal of Corruption on single targets. This seal will be your primary damage seal against single targets, especially bosses.
    Seal of Righteousness? The judgement damage is absolutely massive. I recommend this for single target DPS with weaker gear and shorter fights.
    Seal of Command? This seal is recommended when you have multiple targets for an extended period of time and when you cannot switch targets to stack up Seal of Vengeance/Corruption on multiple targets.

    So i dont see it anywhere stating u should switch Seals like i sugested during the encounter such as LK 25m hc. Nor does it say its usefull on PP fight even tho its long and u are Best in Slot...
    I also dont see the part in which i said to avoid using Consecration if u have mana issues since it eats mana like crazy and gives u almost no DPS boost at all...
    But hey, mister wiseguy is here with his sarcasm to save us all.
    Why do we even need forums when u have google?
    Are u gona use the Retail Card now, and say how ppl alrdy tested whats there to test and how u should follow it cos this is retail like expirience server?
    One more time, this aint Retail, things work a bit diferently here, sorry...

    How about, instead of beeing a SARCASM ALERT smartass, u actualy say something that can be usefull to others? Before trowing dumb comments that wer not needed in the first place... Even tho its in the guide, i still dont see ppl using that **** nor the spells that are also in the guide such as Salvation, Hand of Sacrifice, Divine Protection, and sometimes they dont even dispel cos its a DPS lost... 80% of the server population are DPS whores, god forbid trying to tell them there is more to the class cos they can google it like they did before ignoring mechanic in order to increase recount numbers, right baws?

  11. Hey, are Judgements supposed to be resisted by bosses and mobs?
    Just wondering because with the latest reset and fixes that's what started happening :s

  12. Hey, are Judgements supposed to be resisted by bosses and mobs?
    Just wondering because with the latest reset and fixes that's what started happening :s
    Nope. I believe the change they wanted to implement were "partial resists" to resist some damage from Holy on enemy targets. However, they ****ed it up and now there's chance for Holy abilities to be fully resisted which is non-retail like. Holy abilities are not supposed to be fully resistible in PvE or PvP and currently they're happening in both.. xd

  13. Every ability can be resisted with new "fixes", not only Judgments. So i guess bug is world wide for everyone to expirience. :D

  14. I kind agree with you SoC damage is so **** right now... I go on sindra with SoC and my burst is is like 10k. I go SoR (without glyph and expertise cap) and do 17k. I need to test it more but I am almost certain that SoR will be the better choice. I still need to test it.

    Can you give me some info with numbers, I see that you tested it.

    And what about the switch seal combo does it work here (5 stack SoC, then go to SoR, you keep only the 5 stack soc for the melee procs)?

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