1. Blizzard Time Manager disabled

    Can somebody know how to fix blizzard time manager disabled and I cant que on BG either it says disabled
    Edited: April 7, 2016

  2. im having the same issue i downloaded it from a link on here and it wont let me bg or use the time manger. It says blizzard UI disabled for the pvp and the time manger does any one know how to fix it? i found where those items were in the folder but even if i enable them it switches them off again.

  3. Can somebody know how to fix blizzard time manager disabled and I cant que on BG either it says disabled
    type in-game:
    /run EnableAddOn("Blizzard_TimeManager")

    you guys can use this command for any other "blizzard stuff" that need to ebe enabled

  4. I have the same problem with the addon guild. Wich command i have to use?

  5. I have the same problem with the addon guild. Wich command i have to use?
    I had the same problem.
    To reactivate other addons just use the same macro, but change the name (all default addons can be found in your Interface folder.

    For guild ui:

    /run EnableAddOn("Blizzard_GuildUI")

    pvp ui:

    /run EnableAddOn("Blizzard_PVPUI")

  6. Hey guys its saying i need to disable time manager and pvp ui to do bg and to quit etc i did the commands at the top but it still isnt working please help.

  7. May 4, 2018  
    thanks for the data of the commands to activate them but to solve the problem you need some addons I have the data but they are from another server I do not want to give promotion so I will just put the data download the data and paste it in the addons folder, activate with the commands and ready.

    gracias por los datos de los comandos para activarlos pero para resolver el problema se necesita unos addons tengo los datos pero son de otro server no quiero dar promoción así que solo pondré los datos descarguen los datos y peguenlos en la carpeta addons, activar con los comandos y listo.

    luego subo el link que no tengo tiempo puede que para maña lo tenga listo no quiero ponerlo por que sale directo en esa pagina y no quiero molestar a qui
    Edited: May 4, 2018

  8. May 5, 2018  
    You need to download blizzard default addons from another source and replace it, because all Warmane's client are corrupted in some way, I had trouble with Wotlk, Cata and MoP versions.
    I recommend, when u start to play here or on a new exp, in order to avoid any problems to download the client from internet and then change your realmlist file.

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