1. Marketplace Suggestions

    New thread has been created for marketplace suggestions.

    Please include a format when making a suggestion.


    Item name: Name of the item
    Item link: http://wotlk.openwow.com for wotlk or http://cata.openwow.com for cata
    Shop opinion: Coin or point shop
    Cost opinion: Your cost opinion
    Additional info: Optional

    Copy Paste the following:

    Item name:
    Item link:
    Shop opinion:
    Cost opinion:
    Additional info:


    Feature name: Name of the feature / change
    Information: All the information about the feature and/or change
    Reason for suggestion: Add your reasons for this suggestion

    Copy Paste the following:

    Feature name:
    Reason for suggestion:

  2. Several items in the past thread have been added in the shop. Some others are still pending discussion and some thought before being put, especially with some of the items being broken on the old core and now working on the new one. You may still request them here, and in the following update to the marketplace we will mark them as implemented.

  3. Item name: Faceguard of the Endless Watch
    Item link: http://cata.openwow.com/item=30731
    Shop opinion: Both vote or donation
    Cost opinion: 11 coins / 40 VP?
    Additional info: Really awesome helmet. Nice, different colour.

  4. Feature name: Account Character Transfer

    Information: An option to be able to transfer characters from one account to another via services. Maybe for free with a 90d cooldown, seen this working on other servers. Or maybe for a small amount of vote points.

    Reason for suggestion: So you're able to transfer characters to another account to make use of professions (self benefit - enchanting ect.) or freeing up space on main account and transferring alts which you won't play.

  5. Item(s) name: All 60 Naxx Items
    Item link: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Naxxramas_(original)_loot
    Shop opinion: WOTLK Point Shop
    Cost opinion: 3-6
    Additional info: It really help out twinks since old twinks have it and new twinks become demoralised when they can never reach the strength of some of the old twinks + there are some 80s that would like to look cool. I think this would be a superb addition. ;D
    Edited: April 14, 2016

  6. Item name: Sky Golem (Mount)
    Item link: http://www.wowhead.com/item=95416/sky-golem
    Shop opinion: Coin Shop
    Cost opinion: 30-40
    Additional info: As the recipe as been release for more than 30days, would love to see this in the marketplace.

  7. Item name: Soulcleave Pendant
    Item link: http://wotlk.openwow.com/item=51894
    Shop opinion: point shop
    Cost opinion: 28 points
    Additional info: since BQL choker is BoE and can't be added to the point shop, this is the best alternative

  8. Item name:Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal
    Item link: http://www.wowhead.com/item=21176
    Coin 120
    Additional info: Like [Shadowmourne] same price some of us dont play Warrior, Paladin, Death Knight so why cant we have legendary items it would give me a reason to donate again
    Edited: April 22, 2016

  9. Item name: Flickering Shoulderpads
    Item link: http://cata.openwow.com/item=71025
    Shop opinion: Coins
    Cost opinion: 26 coins
    Additional info: Would love to have this in the shop for transmog purposes.

  10. Item name: Missing Old School Ride mounts
    Item link: http://wotlk.openwow.com/achievement=879
    Shop opinion: Coins.
    Cost opinion: Precedence is set at 10 to 13 Coins for the few existing ones, so probably something in that ballpark.
    Additional info: There are already a few of them in the shop (Arctic Wolf, Frost Ram, Palomino and Teal Kodo), but the rest is missing. They used to be all available in the now-deprecated Point shop.

  11. Item name: Akmin-Kurai, Dominion's Shield (heroic, 372 version)
    Item link: http://www.wowhead.com/item=65023/ak...minions-shield
    Shop opinion: Points
    Cost opinion: 28
    Additional info: it's the heroic version of http://www.wowhead.com/item=59444/ak...minions-shield . The 359 version is already in Points shop for 28 points, but the heroic version is recolored for transmogs. It would be nice to be able to get it, since Cata raid are not available !
    BTW, both are available at 12 points each. But only 359 is available at 28 points.
    Edited: May 4, 2016

  12. Item name: Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
    Item link: http://wotlk.openwow.com/item=19019
    Shop opinion: Coins
    Cost opinion: 75-125
    Additional info: Thunderfury can already be bought in the other shops, but not on lordaeron. There is already full naxx gear in the shop. Any chance you also could add thunderfury? Im kinda willing to pay the price up to 125 coins.

  13. May 1, 2016  
    Item name: Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian
    Item link: http://wotlk.openwow.com/item=22589 http://wotlk.openwow.com/item=22630 http://wotlk.openwow.com/item=22631 http://wotlk.openwow.com/item=22632
    Shop opinion: Coins
    Cost opinion: 40 for Lordaeron, 30 for other realms
    Additional info: Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian is currently not able to be obtain as old Naxxramas no longer exists. It is a really amazing staff that could really see a lot of purchases in the Warmane Store.

    In addition, not really a feature or item, but a suggestion in how to navigate the shop. I think filters, such as those used on wowhead, as well the ability to sort items based on level, price, rarity would be a great way to make the Store more user friendly.
    Edited: May 1, 2016

  14. May 9, 2016  
    Item Name: Pauldrons of the Wardancer
    Item Link: http://cata.openwow.com/item=30053
    Shop opinon: Points
    Cost opinion; 11.5
    Additional Info: It is a cosmetic item making no impact for pvp and reason why it is only in coin shop is beyond me. It is currently in a raid that is closed due to technical reasoning, it would be great for a mog I am going for. Other items such as Armageddon(http://cata.openwow.com/item=40343) which is level 80 is in the point shop, and is purely for cosmetic reasoning, no reason why this shouldn't be in the point shop for cataclysm.
    Edited: May 12, 2016

  15. May 25, 2016  
    Item name: Rotface's Acidic Blood / Festergut's Acidic Blood
    Item link:
    Shop opinion: Coin / Point
    Cost opinion: 20C Each / 28P Each
    Additional info: These items, due to their pain in the *** tryna get, its near impossible for one with 6 years worth of losing every roll. Theres only 1 chance per week to obtain them, and you also have to compete with anything up to 25 people for these items. (Including ninja rollers, that i have lost this item to many times >: (

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