1. lvl 80 What now?

    Hi first of all I have to admit I aint very good at world of warcraft,but you know everyone can learn.So today I got to lvl 80. I come from cataclysm so right now Im a bit lost and I dont know what to do or where to go,right now im at 1,8gs and Im queuing for RDF but It doesnt work I have been in queue for more than 40 min and nothing happens,I would like to know if there is daily quests in Northrend and where are they,I Just need a bit of help because right now Im a bit lost,can anybody help me about what to do to get reputation,where can I buy the items I unlock with reputation etc.Thank you so much

  2. grind all the wotlk reputations to get gear

    do argent tournament dailys for gear

    after all this get in a guild to do heroics or wait a lot in rdf queue since it got bugged in the core update

  3. Also after you get your rep gear and ICC ring (don't join ICC rep farm with people who reserve BoEs!) you can farm FoS/PoS/HoR normal for gear - don't forget to take the quest > http://wotlk.openwow.com/?search=Ins...Frozen+Citadel

    And remeber to do at least 1 RDF HC a day for the 2 Emblems of Frost. This is a good way of farming Emblems of Triumph too (to buy Tier 9 and ilvl 245 offsets).
    Don't queue solo, because it doesn't work, find a group on /global instead.

    At 4.5-5K GS it would be ideal if you could find a guild nice enough to carry you trough ICC, you don't really want to PuG this **** since the PuGs on this realm are quite horrible.

  4. Join a guild that will help you gear. hopefully you have flying... everything is done out of dalaran at lvl 80.

  5. Do daily rdf for eof
    Fos/pos for eot
    Icc rep.farm for elite ring and hopefully boes if its a nice raid (good luck finding one but on my paladin first one I did got me full rep ring and 278 ilvl ring :D)
    Rep from factions to unlock quarter masters for ok gear
    All emblems turn in at dala near portals
    Once higher gear find or make raids and progress

    For rdf, your too low for heroics which means you need to gather on global to have a decent chance at it

    Main raids to go for end game is voa, toc, os , and of course icc.

    I'd suggest finding a decent guild that raids and try to be Friendly with them. That way they will be more likely to take you to a raid. Just ask people about their guild and try to have something to offer. Don't worry if you don't find one right away. Some are dead or not worth getting into. Just remember to have fun.

    Hope this helped.

  6. When you hit 80 you repay the visit to STV hahahah

  7. May 5, 2016  
    Do a Rep farm for the ashen ring.

    Farm fos / pos etc until you can do RDF. Do the weekly raids.

    Then join ICC 10 and then progress to 25 then heroic.

  8. May 6, 2016  
    So, you are levelel 80 and now you should do Professions and unlock the Reputationquests from Northend a Guid about this, if you send me a Mail ingame to Gheddohopser.

    After all you are the whole time queing in RDF and farm Emblem of Triumph there you are going to buy T9-Set with.

    just send me a mail ingame to gheddohopser for further intruction

  9. May 12, 2016  
    Forget about reputations, they take way too much time and provide some absolutely awful rewards, inferior to almost anything else you can get as a level 80.

    First, level up a gathering profession and start farming materials, then sell them in the Auction House. Keep doing that as much as possible. Mining or Herbalism for example. With the gold you get, buy yourself the best level 200+ epic items for each equipment slot from the Auction house.

    Second, try to join a guild, cry and beg and humiliate yourself to the point where people start giving you free items and gold. Most of the players around don't need any more gold and are willing to give you some free gear. Try to steal everything you can from the guild bank and sell it in Global channel or in the Auction house.

    Third, make ICC Reputation farm runs where you reserve all the loot that drops. Look for the epic level 264 BoE items. Just keep looting the corpses and collecting them while the others are killing the mobs. Don't forget to spam the Global channel that you need healers and tanks.

    Fourth, start making your own raids, because nobody will probably take you as a beginner to their own ones. Ask for some achievements such as Light of Dawn or Bane, with at least 5999 Gearscore. This way you'll trick geared people into entering your own runs and carrying you, while you won't even have these achievements.

  10. May 12, 2016  
    Fourth, start making your own raids, because nobody will probably take you as a beginner to their own ones. Ask for some achievements such as Light of Dawn or Bane, with at least 5999 Gearscore. This way you'll trick geared people into entering your own runs and carrying you, while you won't even have these achievements.
    People actually do this? And here I am with my 4.9kgs priest waiting like 2 weeks to get a item from vote shop and so I can maybe get into a ICC alt to get some achievments and eof to get firstt10.

  11. May 12, 2016  
    Forget about reputations, they take way too much time and provide some absolutely awful rewards, inferior to almost anything else you can get as a level 80.

    First, level up a gathering profession and start farming materials, then sell them in the Auction House. Keep doing that as much as possible. Mining or Herbalism for example. With the gold you get, buy yourself the best level 200+ epic items for each equipment slot from the Auction house.

    Second, try to join a guild, cry and beg and humiliate yourself to the point where people start giving you free items and gold. Most of the players around don't need any more gold and are willing to give you some free gear. Try to steal everything you can from the guild bank and sell it in Global channel or in the Auction house.

    Third, make ICC Reputation farm runs where you reserve all the loot that drops. Look for the epic level 264 BoE items. Just keep looting the corpses and collecting them while the others are killing the mobs. Don't forget to spam the Global channel that you need healers and tanks.

    Fourth, start making your own raids, because nobody will probably take you as a beginner to their own ones. Ask for some achievements such as Light of Dawn or Bane, with at least 5999 Gearscore. This way you'll trick geared people into entering your own runs and carrying you, while you won't even have these achievements.
    hahaha, this is ****ing brilliant. Plus it would actually work like a charm too ;D

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