1. 2.5k destro warlock in depth guide to 1v1; advanced guide, skilled only. 3.3.5

    This IN DEPTH GUIDE has been made by me, Redcocaine, with over 6+ years experience on 3.3.5 arena tournament server (now the blackrock server). I have amassed these strategies from over 30,000+ duels with over a 95% win ratio. These strategies were used against opponents of skill levels ranging from rank one players up to some of the best duelers i have ever met. I will be playing Lorderon pve now so I will give away these strategies to other upcoming warlocks. These strategies can take years of experience to perfect. EXPERIENCED PLAYERS ONLY.

    KEY ADDON - The only Mandatory addon you will need is RangeDisplay. This will show you how far away your targets are. VERY USEFUL ADDON ALL AROUND BUT MANDATORY FOR 1v1. Max range (36 yards) is always good vs a melee so this addon is a life saver.

    Warrior - VERY EASY/CAN BE HARD IF THEY ARE SKILLED STAMINA - Always keep pet far enough away from you to avoid aoe, but close enough to seduce. Try to start the duel off max range with your pet close to the warrior but not close enough for him to fear it. You will be able to open with seduce and have max range right at the start allowing you to get some burst off. Be careful if he charges your pet he will charge you next so standing at least 31+ yards away from your pet to avoid this. The key here is to *always* stay max range all the time. Max range= he never touches you. When you land a full 10 second seduce ALWAYS run max range. Kite with conflag slow. Keep curse of elements on. Use succubus spell soothing kiss for spell reflects. Bide time every 18 seconds until seduce is off DR and reseduce. Only cast when you have a distance of around 31-36 yards on him. Deathcoil when at 30 yards to deathcoil the charge or to help get a chain off or force trinket. You may use it to heal as well. Do not deathcoil shield wall or your heal will be reduced. Try not to use deathcoil or healstone when mortal strike is on you, if you need the heals. Try to keep portal 40 yards away at all times. Portal bladestorm (if warrior is arms) but you may also use portal to get max range on warrior, but if you do make sure you kite him long enough for portal to come off of cooldown so you are prepared for bladestorm. Against prot use your trinket at the right time offensively or defensively, do not waste your trinket against prot. You may also use portal with a good line of sight spot. If fighting with line of sight use it to help you bide time on seduce DR and just burst him down. The longer this duel goes the better for you once he has no cooldowns you will kill him with a 10s seduce. You can 10s seduce to reset and eat if needed. Duels with stamina warriors will be long but you should win if you play defensively and wait for a good time to burst. Easiest duel for a destro lock. GLPYHS: conflag, shadowflame, succubus.

    Shaman elemental - VERY EASY/HARDER IF THE SHAMAN IS GOOD - Keep up curse of tongues you can use a fast curse of elements to set up damage but apply curse of tongues afterwards. Mouse over pet attack or mouseover wand tremor down. Spam fear when tremor is down. Juke wind shears. Save Spell lock for nature school. Do not dispel flame shock. Spam dispel on shaman to get heals from felhunter glyph and maybe dispel Heroism. Avoid dispels when stoneclaw is active or you get no heal. You may also use dispel for grounding totems. You may also use dispel on your pet to remove snares/roots so he can get back on the shaman. Spell lock can help get a cast off to avoid windshears. If he uses Fire elemental kill the totem if you have time, do not go out of your way if its to much of a hassle. Fel domiation for a good dispel or spell lock if it is needed or you are sure you can land the kill. When shadowfury do not stand next to shaman or thunderstorm will knock you back, always stay 10 yards away after a shadowfury. Deathcoil when needed or to get heal, avoid deathcoil when stoneclaw is up or you will get no heal. Portal can be used to create distance to get out of combat and eat or to quickly get back on the shaman, it also can be used to remove a snare if needed. Try to avoid line of sight so you can burst but if you do make sure you get a 10s fear on him to get away from line of sight. You can reset the duel and eat with a 10s fear but make sure you resend your pet in after you eat to keep him in combat. GLYPHS: conflag, immolate, felhunter.

    Shaman enhancement - MEDIUM/SLIGHTLY DIFFICULT IF THEY ARE SKILLED - The key here is to survive the wolves unless you can quickly nuke shaman down. Spam dispel yourself with dispel for felhunter glyph heal and dispel novas/frost shocks. You may also use dispel for grounding totems or heroism off of shaman if you can. You can dispel heroism off wolves. Try to use dispel alot so you get healed from felhunter glyph, it helps overtime. Try to keep portal 40 yards away at all times. Use portal to get max range on shaman, it also can be used to remove a snare if needed, you may also use portal in a good line of sight spot to help wait out the wolves. Keep shaman snared with conflag when his sprint is not active. It is ok if the wolves are hitting you but never let the wolves and the shaman hit you all at once. Keep curse of elements up. If he uses fire elemental kill the totem if you have time, do not go out of your way if its to much of a hassle. Mouse over pet attack or mouseover wand tremor down. When the shaman is in a fear and wolves are up let fear run its full duration, this allows you to bide time until wolves are gone. Always try to stay max range. Howl of terror shaman+wolves as soon as possible. Deathcoil to help keep the shaman off of you or to help stay max range. Try to avoid deathcoil when stoneclaw is up or you will not get deathcoil heal. Shadowfury can also be used to help bide time until wolves are down. Juke windshears if you have time. Blanket spell lock to help get a fear off if he gets on top of you. Fel domiation for a good dispel or spell lock if it is needed or you are sure you can land the kill. Spell lock can help get a cast off to avoid windshears. You may use shadowflame glyph to help kite wolves only use when sprint is down. Drag the duel out as long as you can so you can wait for wolves to go down and so you can keep reseting DR on fear. After wolves are down kite/dps shaman down for easy win. If fighting with line of sight try to use it to help give you more time to wait for wolves, a good portal can change the fight in seconds. You can reset the duel and eat when wolves are down, but send your pet after you eat to keep shaman in combat. GLYPHS: felhunter, conflag, soullink/shadowflame.

    Shaman restoration- EASY/CAN BE A LONG FIGHT - You should never lose to a resto shaman regardless of how good they are. Force cooldowns (mainly natures swiftness/trinket), catch him in a good chain, burst him down, drain mana helps. Fear him when he line of sights to get him in the open. Feldom for double spell lock can help. Kill tremor totem with mouseover pet attack or mouse over wand. You may use felhunter glyph if you are having trouble staying alive. MORE PVE GEAR HELPS. GLYPHS: Immolate, conflag, chaosbolt/felhunter.

    Druid Balance- EASY/CAN BE HARD IF THEY ARE GOOD - The good balance druid will be running away from you all the time. You can shadowfury/howl trees and druid off of you. Try to keep up curses at the right time when bursting it makes them have to waste a global cd, making it harder for them. Curse of elements when setting up or doing big damage and curse of tongues when he is ready to start casting. You can use dispel to remove roots from your pet or yourself. You may also use dispel to heal yourself and remove a dot with felhunter glyph. Dispeling the druid can be useful, you may try to dispel innervate. Try to always be using dispel on yourself or the druid with felhunter glyph to get heals it helps alot over time. You can kite the trees with shadowflame glyph. You can try to kill the trees, but do not go out of your way if you can be on the druid instead. Make him waste Barkskin with a good chain . Force trinket and wait for fear DR. Use fear to help wait for hots to fall off and then burst so he has to rehot before he can do anything. Try not to deathcoil stoneskin, you will not get felhunter glyph heal. Use portal to get away and reset or to get back on top of the druid. It also can be used to remove a snare if needed. You may also use portal to escape and eat. Feldom if your sure you can get the kill with blanket silence but you can use it to stop his casts as well or get a good dispel. Always try to get the druid in a full fear during starfall, this should be easy because he should have already used his trinket to survive, you may also portal out of line of sight to avoid starfall. You can use shadowfury to help stop starfall or get a fear, you may also portal out of range for starfall to hit you. You may keep your pet at a distance from you so starfall does hit him. You may take less damage from starfall by putting your pet next to you it will reduce the damage done to you but your pet will need to be healed as soon as possible. Do not chase the druid if you are low health go and reset unless you can get the kill or he his out of mana, you may use portal to help you escape and eat. If he is low on mana try to mana drain. Try to always stay on top of the druid unless your playing with line of sight, try to play a bit more careful. You can use line of sight to make this duel last longer and slowly make him out of mana. Fear him when he line of sights to pull him into the open. Always keep corruption on so he cant stealth. Catch him in one good chain without barkskin, trinket, and hots and hes dead. You can reset the duel and eat with a 10s fear, but if you do make sure you apply corruption and send pet after you eat to keep in in combat and to avoid restealth. GLPYHS: Conflag, felhunter, immolate/shadowflame.

    Druid feral - MEDIUM/VERY HARD IF THE DRUID IS SKILLED - The key here is to force and survive berzerk unless you can burst him down quick. Once berzerk is down the fight becomes much easier. Demon armor is mandatory. Use voidwalker and use the spell consume shadows to help pull him out of stealth, spam corruption while you do this to pull him before he can open on you. Always keep up corrution to avoid a restealth. Always try to stay long range or at least out of melee range but close enough so that you can prevent a restealth. If druid gets restealth reset and eat or summon a new voidwalker for a new shield. Use feldomination to reset cd on shield be careful to not let druid be on top of you while you feldom he will do alot of damage while you are trying to reapply soullink, you may use deathcoil or shadowfury to help get feldomination off. You can also portal 40 yards away and get feldomination off. It is highly recommended do whatever you can to get a new voidwalker cast off when you can if there is line of sight. Try to keep your portal 40 yards away at all times. You may also use portal to help you get close to the druid to get a fear off. You may also use portal in a good line of sight spot to help you wait out berzerk. Deathcoil and shadowfury can be used to help peel the druid, or help bide time until berzerk is gone. Deathcoil may be used to help heal, but do not deathcoil while Barkskin is active. When fighting around line of sight use it to help bide time on berzerk. If berzerk is off cooldown use fear to pull him away from line of sight. Try to use as many voidwalker shields as you can, when you get a 10s fear with no berzerk or trinket, resummon voidwalker to reset cd on shield if needed, if not burst. Apply curse of elements to help set up damage when in a fear. Use shadowfury or to set up a chain to help get off fears after berzerk and trinket are down. After berzerk is down spam fear and burst druid down. If you are low health and berzerk and trinket are down you can get a 10s fear to reset and eat, apply corruption and resend pet to druid after you eat to keep him in combat and to prevent restealth. GLYPHS: Conflag, Soullink, Immolate/Shadowflame.

    Druid restoration - VERY EASY/CAN BE A LONG FIGHT - You should never lose to a resto druid regardless of how good they are. Force cooldowns (mainly natures swiftness/trinket/barkskin), catch him in a good chain, burst him down, drain mana helps. Fear him when he is line of sights to get him in the open. Feldom for double spell lock can help. You may use felhunter to dispel innervate and hots. Try to set up a 10s fear followed by a chain when hots are not applied and cooldowns are up for the kill. You may use felhunter glyph if you are having trouble staying alive. MORE PVE GEAR HELPS. GLYPHS: Immolate, Conflag, Chaosbolt/Felhunter.

    Coming along nicely, do more later.
    Edited: April 19, 2016

  2. May 2, 2016  
    I am interested in mirror in-depth guide, wanna hear what you will say about it. Generous of you to take your time.

  3. May 26, 2016  
    very Nice thanks! This will be usefull to get me going . pls add talent tree if you can.

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