1. "Can't decide which class to play" question - READ HERE!

    So, you just arrived at Warmane, eh? Or maybe you're just wondering what alt to play? Well, there's no need to open yet another from the dozens of similar "help me, which class should I roll?" threads, asking questions which nobody can answer. Instead, just read below and decide for yourself.

    Are you just starting on Warmane? If that's the case, then the best thing you can do is roll your favorite class and play your favorite spec. "But there are already too many from that class and spec" - nobody cares, least of all you. It's your first character, it's gonna be your main character too, so just play what you want.

    Are you wondering what alt to roll? Well, what's your main? I see tons of people rolling DPS-only classes and then blaming the community for the lack of tanks & healers. If your characters are rogue, mage, warlock, hunter and on your next alt you refuse to tank or heal "because you just like DPSing", then you deserve to suffer. Ever since I picked this game up I've been trying to keep a tank, a healer and two different types of DPSers per realm, per faction. For example, on Ragnaros I have a DK tank (DPS), a priest healer (DPS) and a combat rogue - all of these are ICC-geared, while also currently leveling a hunter.

    Are you wondering which role is most lacking? Tanks. It's always tanks. It has always been tanks, it will forever be tanks. Doesn't matter which realm you're playing on. Why? Because kids like steamrolling with fury warriors, retri palas and DPS DKs, that's why. No, I'm not joking - that's the actual reason. Kids like big numbers. Additionally, tanking requires a certain sense of responsibility, as the weight of the group more or less lies on your shoulders. Kids don't like responsibility. You're the one engaging the boss, facing him directly, taking the hits. You're the one leading the tactics in most encounters of the game. Also, a DPS or a healer may die and your group might still kill the boss. It doesn't work like that with tanks though - if you die, it's a wipe. Kids don't like pressure.

    By now you may be thinking that I'm promoting tank play and discrediting DPSers. You're right. There are never enough tanks in this game and most DPSers are bad anyway. The worst thing you can do as a DPSer is aim to have an easy life, playing casually & getting carried - players like these don't last long in any serious guild, trust me.

    Another thing you should consider when picking an alt is professions. The more alts you have with maxed professions, the less gold you'll have to spend on the Auction House and the more you'll be able to make from it. Really simple. You'll gain independence, not having to ask guildies or spend a fortune on gems & enchants, or getting slowly squeezed for flasks & food with each raid. You'll also help your guild, making it a lot easier for your guildies to get whatever they need, as long as they have the mats.
    Edited: April 18, 2016

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