1. Hey there!

    Hello everyone!
    We (me and my wife) just came from retail to warmane because wod.. well to be honest wod is extremely disappointing and we're waiting for the legion to arrive :)
    My name is János, her name is Emese and we're both hungarian players who like to have fun against other players without raging and stuff.
    We have a few questions about the MoP realm:
    -Is there any way to farm honor better than bgs? Just did 3bgs and on all of them ppl wanted to report us because we had only crafted contender and dreadful gear.
    -Are there pvp only guilds?
    -Rated bgs?
    Thanks for your answers and time :)
    p.s.: Sorry for my mistakes, English isn't my native language.

  2. Hello, welcome to Warmane!
    I would definetly use BGs to quickly farm honor, there are a few PvP guilds on Frostwolf too.
    Considering we're not a huge community, it is hard to find a group to play rated BGs, but if you find someone to help you to organize you should be able to group enough people for a few matches.

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