1. Suggestion for new VOA25

    Just a suggestion for the new boss in voa25 from another realm.

    "Emalon, the Storm Watcher has been released in the Vault of Archavon.

    In order to keep the progression feeling of the progressive realm, you will have this encounter available only AFTER defeat all the bosses from Naxxramas and obtain the achievement "The Fall of Naxxramas". For example, if you want to do Emalon 10 players, you must have "The Fall of Naxxramas" 10 players.

    If someone from the raid party does not match this requirements, the raid will not have the possibility to engage Emalon. So we have to warn you about this: be careful. We will not reset any ID or grant any achievement."

  2. This kind of attunement stuff just discourages alts, new players, etc. It's already been rejected for Ulduar and should be rejected for VoA as well.

  3. If they scale it right, it won't be doable unless people have Naxxramas level gear or higher anyway.

  4. Just NO. Why would you force PVP players into doing PVE

  5. This kind of attunement stuff just discourages alts, new players, etc. It's already been rejected for Ulduar and should be rejected for VoA as well.
    -> it actualy promotes it because people will actualy be looking for groups for earlier instances so that new players/alts would have someone to paly with since there will be a point.

    If they scale it right, it won't be doable unless people have Naxxramas level gear or higher anyway.
    -> yeah you migiht be right

    Just NO. Why would you force PVP players into doing PVE
    -> pvp players wont be able to get into groups for it anyway, ull need pve gear xd

  6. Wrong, I never went to a raid higher than naxx on retail and cleared every boss in VoA.

  7. this is not retail xDDD bosses are harder.

  8. That's crap - it means the only permission for PVE guilds to do VOA.

  9. nevermind im actualy confident that they gonna buff the boss enough.

  10. @OP .... please ! we don't need anymore of those imaginary ideas on lordaeron !

  11. If you want this crap condition i require second condition which is achiev of 2200 rating in 3v3 bracket. That simple antidiscrimination PVE and PVP rule :P

    or close VOA at all......

    Please stop these stupid PVE ideas about progression realm....
    Edited: April 27, 2016

  12. GL getting into a VoA Group after reset. The groups gonna be like Link Fall of Naxx Achieve or no invite....And this is ******ed to have considering Naxx 10 is alot harder than most dungeons and lot of people even in the 25 man groups don't have 10 man clears done yet because the guild only focuses on 25 man clears.

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