1. Looking for Guild (A)

    OK, so apparently the guild I have been with and done numerous premades with is gone. GM decided to gkick everyone. Totally sucks to work to earn exalted with a guild, but then have it all thrown. ( Not all that many quests at this level to earn exalted again)

    So I'm looking for a new guild. I've been most PVP (not arena, but very geared for it) and was working toward a starter PVE set for doing (or in my case, learning) end game PvE ( ive only been playing wow for 2 years.

    85 MM hunter, thought working on the survival spec/PvE gear. Just want to be with a decent group of people that are STABLE. Don't really care PVP or PvE...just want to belong to something and have that stability.

    Any recommendations?
    Edited: April 30, 2016

  2. Chemical is an upcoming PvP guild :) you should check them out

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