1. May 11, 2016  

    huntard damage ?

    Hello there , I was just dueling a MM hunter today and saw him doing a crazy amount of damage
    I asked him to test and he ended up doing 3 x 130 k + in a row with chimaera shot
    Is this normal or what ? ive never played retail so I dont know how its supposed to be
    And no he had no full prideful , just 3 1250 parts


    Check the screen for a 146 k crit , he also had no buffs not even his own pet buffs

    http://prntscr.com/b2zdo0 149 k crit

    Imagine what the damage would be with prideful weapon , 175 k - 200 k each chimaera ? yea cant wait to get 2 shotted by a hunter
    Edited: May 11, 2016

  2. May 11, 2016  
    Would have been more helpful if you posted full ss so we can see his buffs,trinket procs,race,you know, see why he's hitting so hard. Also would be helpful to know anything about you, class, ilvl... just by posting numbers,who can tell?

  3. May 11, 2016  
    Im a Feral 522 ilvl
    Yea he did have his trinket passiv proc when he hitted for 130 k + and when he hitted for 145 k + he had 2 procs passiv trinket and tailoring my bad that i didnt tell yea
    without all procs he still does like 100-120 k each chimaera crit
    He never used his use trinket

  4. May 11, 2016  
    We also tested some aimed shots , they did like 60 k max . shouldnt aimed deal the same amount of dmg as chimaera or even more ? not sure

  5. May 11, 2016  
    My aimed did 55-75k crit,chimera again,115-130k but chimera usually does hit more,aimed is only useful as an opened cause of 100% crit. I don't know, doesn't look too weird to me but we'll see, if it's a bug it'll become more noticeable with more prideful, if not, other classes will catch up. Test some other classes' crits, see if they improved. It's also possible that aimed shot is bugged and should be more? Maybe,idk.

    Edit-in bg did 135-150k,200k with berserk. I honestly don't know,somebody who gets the game should test it.
    Edited: May 12, 2016

  6. May 12, 2016  
    thats why double hunter in arena is wrecking everything

  7. May 12, 2016  
    I totally agree that hunter damage is bugged. Main abusers would be sheyla considering he buff stacks everytime he is in arena. Switching his pets around to get all the perks. Just watch him arena. All the time switching all his 3 pets.

  8. May 12, 2016  
    hahahah at themiso stop talking ppl bad cuz u **** man what should he buffstackign witih a priest ??? stamina or what dude u terrible i think thats all and when warmane cant fixx buffstacking it isnt his part that u get rekt sry umad cuz bad..

  9. May 12, 2016  
    U guys qq about dmg only one ******ed dmg as hunter is BEASTMASTER so pls check Beastmaster 140k killcommand inst real warmane and my firemage crit 38k crit into a warri in deffstance lol

  10. May 12, 2016  
    I totally agree that hunter damage is bugged. Main abusers would be sheyla considering he buff stacks everytime he is in arena. Switching his pets around to get all the perks. Just watch him arena. All the time switching all his 3 pets.
    That's what hunters did on retail, too (and probably are still doing). If Blizzard didn't fix it over multiple expansions, don't you think calling people 'abusers' here for using it is a bit 'too much'?

  11. May 12, 2016  
    Who cares , i got 250k chimera shot in full griv gear 80% resil. and ye it's funny how 1 class stike with 250k , others can't even hit more than 40 :D

  12. May 12, 2016  
    You all need to relax a bit. First of all, Mainboss, you can only get 200k+ with berserker,or on some poor greeny, so even mentioning that without a context is stupid. There is no class that cannot hit more than 40k, again exaggerating. And also, double hunter in arena is always double BM which has nothing to do with this, we were talking about a specific shot,not entire class. Sheyla on the other hand is a SV hunter so again,nothing to do with this. And before you go on with "omg yes I knew they were bugged,fix the class,it's so op" check the other classes as well.
    -I played with a rogue 520 ilvl yesterday that pretty much oneshotted warriors,druids,shamans,you name it,the guy was a beast.
    -I played vs priests where I had to constantly take their shields down but before the dampening,pretty much all decent healers are immortal
    -I played vs ele shamans that hit 140k *3 lava burst
    -mages,locks,they can both hit you so hard,you're out of arena before you even figure out what happened...
    Pretty much every class has something that can destroy you, so I doubt it's a bug. It can be a generally broken code or something, or it can simply be new scaling after the update. The safest way is to ask somebody who knows how it should look like. And maybe it's a good thing,maybe it'll make all those BM fags try MM and fail terribly at it so you get free wins...
    Edited: May 12, 2016

  13. May 12, 2016  
    Eh idk if u realise, that the damage is kinda balanced?.. or should Hunter do 50k ? ... While Chaos bolts are hitting 200k.. Rising Jade Wind ticking 16k.. Icelance 100k + and many more.. pff u hater kid :D Also the class is called Hunter not Huntard.. learn to read u moron


    If i stop that pet switching, nothing would change but everyone using that :o so why im main abuser? :o... i dont even need to justify myself on a comment of a random pleb, but luckily for u i have nothing better to do.. Did you realise, the thread is about MM? MARKSMANSHIP HUNTER and i am SURVIVAL? SV ??.. SV MM.. #feelthedifference..
    If you want to trahstalk people, just open a new thread. :
    Sheyla is **** or something :D .... Next time try to stick at the topic u wannabe :D
    @Everyone : Only you are bad and get defeated by some probably 1.6k hunters, which aren't even good, it doesn't mean hunters are op.. it means you are bad.. get it.. or use bots like Tsunade ;) ( but i dont recommend this way, because u will still lose :P )
    As far as i know tsunade is a MW and they have nothing to exploit. While hunters. Pfff. Enjoy till it lasts sheya ;)

  14. May 12, 2016  
    since the last update huntards (mm, bm, sv) deal insane dmg i think something is hardly broken especially bm with his pets can one shoot but i don't wonder with every new fix they ruin 10 x more working things, all in all huntards are bugged or ppl use some abusses this should be looked at and not just end like 1 of 1 milioin threads, bm easily kill throught die by sword+shieldwall+defense stance+defense banner something is really broken from 500k hp to 50k in 3 sec welcome to warmane

  15. May 12, 2016  
    since the last update huntards (mm, bm, sv) deal insane dmg i think something is hardly broken especially bm with his pets can one shoot but i don't wonder with every new fix they ruin 10 x more working things, all in all huntards are bugged or ppl use some abusses this should be looked at and not just end like 1 of 1 milioin threads, bm easily kill throught die by sword+shieldwall+defense stance+defense banner something is really broken from 500k hp to 50k in 3 sec welcome to warmane
    The amount of /stupid in this thread is mindblowing...
    First you all ***** that we are with outdated pvp gear in 5.4.8,how apparently nobody can die and whatever bull**** you bunch of whiners can come up with.
    Now the gear is here,and clearly classes that get direct damage scaling from weapons (e/g hunters/warriors) all of a sudden the dmg is bugged,this is insane,i can be 3shotted? what sorcery is this!

    Watch warcraftmovies.com where you can see arenas from retail MoP,you think 140k CH is high? you've seen nothing.

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