The owner of this guide who goes by the name "Directx" is no longer active, but guide is being preserved due to the quality of it.


This guide contains basic macro commands, in combination on these (and many others) you can make some very useful macros.


Chat commands

afk - /afk,/away - Marks you as "Away From Keyboard".
announce - /announce,/ann - Toggle channel announcements.
ban - Bans a user from a user-created chat channel.
battleground - /battleground,/bg - Sends a chat message to your battleground.
csay - /c,/csay - Sends chat text to a channel.
chatinvite - /cinvite,/chatinvite - Invite a user to a user-created chat channel.
chatlist - /chatlist,/chatwho,/chatinfo - Displays a list of users in a chat channel, or what channels you are currently a member of.
chatlog - Enables/disables chat logging.
combatlog - Enables/disables combat logging.
chathelp - /chat,/chathelp - Displays a list of commonly used chat commands.
ckick - Kicks a user from a user-created chat channel.
emote - /emote,/em,/e,/me - Perform an emote with the given text.
dnd - /dnd,/busy - Marks you as "Do Not Disturb".
guild - /guild,/g,/gc - Sends a chat message to your guild.
join - /join,/channel,/chan - Joins or creates a user-created chat channel.
leave - /leave,/chatleave,/chatexit - Leaves a user-created chat channel.
moderator - /mod,/moderator - Sets moderation in a user-created chat channel.
mute - /mute,/squelch,/unvoice - Prevents a user from speaking (voice or text) in a user-created chat channel.
officer - /officer,/o,/osay - Sends a chat message to your guild's officer channel.
owner - Displays or changes the owner of a user-created chat channel.
password - /password,/pass - Sets or removes a password on a user-created chat channel.
party - /party,/p - Sends a chat message to your party.
raid - /raid,/rsay - Sends a chat message to your raid.
raidwarning - /raidwarning,/rw - Sends a raid warning to your raid.
reply - /r,/reply - Replies to the last user to send you a whisper with a message.
resetchat - /resetchat - Resets chat settings to default.
say - /say,/s - Sends a chat message to players in your immediate local area.
unban - Unbans a user from a user-created chat channel.
unmoderator - /unmod,/unmoderator - Removes moderation from a user-created chat channel.
unmute - /unmute,/unsquelch,/voice - Allows a user to speak (voice or text) in a user-created chat channel.
whisper - /whisper,/w,/tell,/t,/send - Sends a private chat message to a player in a whisper.
yell - /yell,/y,/sh,/shout - Sends a chat message to all players in your zone.

Combat commands

cancelaura - Cancels (turns off) an aura you have.
cancelqueuedspell - /cancelqueuedspell,/cqs - Cancels casting of the spell you have in the queue.
cancelform - Cancels your current shapeshift form.
cast - /cast,/spell,/use - Uses the given item or casts the given spell.
castglyph - Activates a glyph.
castrandom - /castrandom,/userandom - Casts a random spell from the given list.
castsequence - Casts the given spells in sequential order.
changeactionbar - Changes your current action bar page.
duel - Challenge another player to a duel
forfeit - /forfeit,/yield,/concede - Forfeit a duel.
pvp - Sets whether or not you are attackable by other players.
startattack - Turns on auto-attack.
stopattack - Turns off auto-attack.
stopcasting - Stops casting or channeling.
swapactionbar - Swaps between two given action bars.

System commands

console - Allows user to view or change global client-side options, or perform certain system commands.
click - Simulate a mouse click on a button.
disableaddons - Disables all addons and reloads the UI.
dump - Displays the value of a given variable.
enableaddons - Enables all addons and reloads the UI.
eventtrace - /eventtrace,/etrace - Allows the user to trace events in-game.
framestack - /framestack,/fstack - Allows the user to see all frames under the cursor.
help - /h,/help,/? - Displays a help message with some basic commands.
logout - /camp,/logout - Logs your character out of the game, back to the character selection screen.
macrohelp - Displays a help message with basic information about creating and using macros.
played - Displays information about your character's time logged in.
quit - /quit,/exit - Exits the game.
random - /random,/rand,/rnd,/roll - Generates a random number from 1 to 100. "/random X" rolls a number from 1 to X, "/random X Y" rolls a number from X though Y.
reload - Reloads the User Interface.
script - /script,/run - Runs a block of LUA code.
stopmacro - Stop processing the current macro.
time - Displays the current time
timetest - Used for benchmarking, also shows FPS.
who - Shows you a list of people matching filtering options.

Targeting functions

assist - /assist,/a - Targets a player's target.
clearfocus - Clears the current focus target.
cleartarget - Clears the current target.
focus - Set a focus target
target - /target,/tar - Target the given unit by name.
targetenemy - Target the given hostile unit by name.
targetenemyplayer - Target the given hostile player by name.
targetexact - Target the unit by exact name match.
targetfriend - Target the friendly unit by name.
targetfriendplayer - Target the friendly player by name.
targetlastenemy - Target the last attackable unit you had selected.
targetlastfriend - Target the last friendly unit you had selected.
targetlasttarget - Target the target of the last unit you had selected.
targetparty - Target a party member by name.
targetraid - Target a raid member by name.


show - Affects the button's icon on the Action Bar.
showtooltip - tooltip - Affects the button's icon and tooltip on the Action Bar.
showcooldown - Affects the button's cooldown display on the Action Bar. (not a real command, this executes as "#show")
