1. May 18, 2016  


    Can we for the love of everything get a cap on how many players can join! Im tired of watching 34 Horde vs 100+alliance players, on retail it was capped just saying! there were queue for it you know!

  2. May 19, 2016  
    What makes you think an imbalance isn't blizzlike? http://wotlk.openwow.com/spell=58549 exists for a reason.

  3. May 19, 2016  
    Can we for the love of everything get a cap on how many players can join! Im tired of watching 34 Horde vs 100+alliance players, on retail it was capped just saying! there were queue for it you know!
    There was no queue for WG. If the first raid filled up a 2nd raid was formed. Tenacity was blizzard's answer to that little issue.

  4. May 19, 2016  
    http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/859138694 Your are right it was implemented in 4.0.3 my bad... but as you can see... the queue system was better and WAY more balanced that what we current see.. but my bad on the subject details.

  5. May 19, 2016  
    LOL was actually ppl from my server
    Big thumbs up from Ravencrest. We had our first balanced games in about a year these last two days. Before horde was around 6-9 tenacity and alliance just facerolled every game into horde GY. Now we had same ~25-30 players as we usually do, but this time so did alliance, and we scored a win followed by a defensive victory. You could easily tell that they were at loss at what to do without the massive numeric advantage though. I expect the games to balance out to even win:loss ratio in a matter of days.

    Great change. Thanks.

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