1. levelling post level 40

    why the **** is it that as soon as i hit level 40, i start running into level 80 griefers just sitting there killing quest givers, flight masters, and anyone in towns.

    are you guys really so ****ing bad at level cap pvp that you have to pick on people who literally CAN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU

  2. If you went STV or Tanaris, then you deserve 40 slaps in your face instead

    Edit - Even though you didn't, you can't expect to level 1-80 without being ganked/camped here and there. It's Wow, it's PvP server, man up
    Edited: July 31, 2016

  3. "man up"

    yeah its really fun to have some level 80 ****** alliance rogue sit there and kill all of your quest givers, flight masters, and you until your respawn timer is 2 minutes every time.

  4. Excuse me? Are you that screwed in the head that you even can't consider about ways to avoid griefers? God knows how many times I've been through the exact same situation as yours, yeah, it sucks, but you know what I did? 1. Take 15/20 minutes break, it will make you feel better and fresh, 2. Ress in spirit, HS, and go level somewhere else (lets say you are being camped in Tanaris, you have Badlands still, Feralas, Hinterlands), 3. Ask for help on global channel, might work, etc, it's not hard as you can see. Now, fortunately, with my small experience, I know which places to go and which to avoid. You do the same now

    I just wonder how many threads am I going to see in the future, I'm thinking about not posting ever again on these, as I'm beginning to be sick of babysit players who don't know Wow, and what a PvP type server is either

    Lastly, my words are not here to bash you, so consider them being just me trying to help you, if you want ofc. If you don't, fine with me, couldn't care less

  5. a) Drkwispurr could've of course worded it otherwise, but yeah, pvp is part of the game, as is ganking on pvp realms.
    b) that may not be fun for you, but it is fun for those 80s... if you are in 1v1 situation with what you are better than they? Why would you have but they not have fun in that case?

  6. This is why zones such as Feralas, Azshara, Dustwallow Marsh, and Badlands exist. So you don't go to the same zone over and over and over again, then come here complaining about 80s.

    I went to STV because I'm a rogue. Made +100 kills there over the course of 3 days. Sure, I also died like 5 times, including from mad kids who brought their 80s, but my point is if you go to such a zone, then you should expect conflict. If you have no desire for conflict and only wish to quest, then you're free to choose another zone. Every level range has at least 3 zones. So if you end up going to the same zone as everyone else, you're asking to get killed. And you're also not even experiencing leveling properly. Is it really interesting for you killing those damn bandits and pirates over and again? Quests with zero storyline, the only stuff that has some sort of story in Tanaris is the quest for the bugs, which are so high level that most people completely skip them and continue to Un'goro.

  7. wow pvp is a meme dont fall for it

  8. i've been playing WoW since early 2007 and my first real World PVP experience was Isle of Quel Danas. Now if you wanna know what some crazy wpvp was like, that right there was when things were pretty insane.

    But even thought i've been a big fan of WPvP for a long time, there are moments when i'm just trying to get my business down, IE: Leveling, dailies, rep, or whatever. So what I learned a long time ago was i can't always rely on help or hope that the enemy will cut me break, but I can control my own actions and so i learned to either go do something else with my time that i do have or just play at a better time.

    Take IQD for example, if i wanted to just get my dailies done back then, i'd just simply log on about 20 or so minutes before Daily resets. This way almost everyone was focusing on doing their dailies and not caring about WPvP. Usually I found this to be the best method to get my dailies down other times through out the day, i'd log on and wpvp'd with the rest of my friends and had a blast.

    So what i'm saying is if you can't quest post 40 because someone's always camping quest givers...or you, try logging in at a better time. Sever pop usually goes down to around 4k early in the US mornings, so try and get up early or something. Surely there's a way to change your personal schedule and get things down.

    I haven't raged at WoW/WPvP in like forever, but I guess that's the difference between me and you OP, i learned a long time ago how to adapt.

    So learn how to adapt.

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