1. May 26, 2016  

    Best and worst world pvp stories

    Stories about good and bad experiences in world pvp.

    First for me, 2 level 80 hordies standing in the crows nest on the booty bay ship near the FP and 1 shotting everyone who came near and nobody could see or reach them.

    A SP and lock 4 levels higher than me were camping my warrior when I was in searing gorge, they were in the dwarf cave getting the dark iron pillows, a boomy from my guild came and killed them and as one tried to corpserun away, he ended up near the lava pool and got typhooned into it so he was forced to use the spirit healer. Sweet revenge.

    What were some fun, funny, horrible, pathetic, or flat out trollish things you've seen in world pvp?

  2. May 26, 2016  
    I camped the duel zone in ef, then when i was afk near goldshire, some paladin killed me. I couldn't believe it when i saw the combat log. Never seen anything like it

  3. May 27, 2016  
    Feelme - Best and worst Molten/Warmane PvP storie ever

  4. I had best world pvp experiences in Sholazar Basin. So many people there, farming stuff, leveling, hunters looking for pets, people doing quests for gold/rep. It's so much rewarding when you get that Titanium vein all for yourself after killing guy from other faction, you know? Also if you gank low level (not so low, like 76+, but still) people, they sometimes get together in group and try to gank you back, like you are some kind of boss... Good times.

  5. My wrathful DK was one shot by a pve ret paladin....end story

  6. There is this guy chasing me like forever in AV alongside a few of his mates. The others eventually gave up except this guy and one other, so i turned around and owned them hard :D. Ohh the pleasure!

  7. Was in Thousand Needles back during Molten times with a friend. He was a human mage and I played a spriest. We wanted to do some world pvp with horde at pur level range. Well, long story short, I went toe to toe with some Orc and my buddy comes running out of no where to help me and I guess he scared the Orc so bad he takes off and jumps off a cliff; sadly killing himself.

    From that day forward, whenever we're bored I always ask my friend if he wants to chase Orcs off cliffs. Haha!

  8. July 5, 2016  
    This is back in the Molten days from when my wife played here. She was out in Sholazar Basin leveling and starts getting griefed by this Horde player. After getting killed about 3 times she gets fed up and messages me on my alt. I log into my ret pally and fly into the zone high above the clouds to her position and dismount in the air and drop. Just before impact I hit my bubble and hit the ground unharmed and start front loading my damage on this guy. He gets totally surprised and falls down, lol. I searched the whole zone and couldn't find him after that. Probably either logged or ran as soon as he ressed at the healer. Pretty funny stuff. Dropping from the sky like that and hitting the ground like I'm Thor or something sort of became my signature move.

  9. July 5, 2016  
    Few funny pvp stories from Icecrown. (Alliance)

    1 - I was doing the Sons of Hodir quest chain on my hunter and an undead mage (With about my level of gear) and an enchancement shaman (About my level of gear again) both attacked me. I killed the mage and nearly killed the shaman. But in the end I died.

    So I went and flew up on top of a nearby mountain to heal up and the shaman chased after me. He dismounted and casted frost shock while going full speed on his mount and I guess he forgot that there is a thing called momentum and he just flew off the side of the cliff... Needless to say he died. He came back and tried to kill me a few more times but without the mage there he got destroyed everytime.

    2 - Had some blood elf hunter level 80 try to gank me when I was level 65 on my Paladin when I was flying to that one temple area in Hellfire. He was in that ganker guild Tanked if I remember. Laughed my *** off at him after this. He parachuted and started to attack me so I quickly divine shielded and fell down. After I fell I went to quickly mount up again and he took off his parachute buff and I guess he misjudged the height because he fell to his death. I had never felt so happy at seeing a player die before in my life.

    3 - I love my Duskstalker pet on my hunter and often have him in prowl nearby me. One day I went afk to take a quick break from fishing near WC and came back to see that my pet had actually killed a low level Orc who saw me (An afk level 80!) and thought that he could kill me. Wonder how long that guy was planning to attack me.

  10. July 6, 2016  
    1. Friend and I was dueling in Tanaris, and when i won i had 100hp and some sneaky 40 lvl dudu came and killed me hahah :DD
    2. The Feel when you play fire mage and duel some scrub at Zepelin and go down and when him to come on edge and you just blast him off haha try it :DD
    3. When you freeze whole raid with pet in Arathi on edge and fall down with slow fall hehe
    Edited: July 6, 2016

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