1. May 28, 2016  

    Sacred cleansing, was bugged in the past :(


    So first, you guys are like "sacred cleansing" is not balance omg omg can't play against that ****

    Before AT make the custom patch that removed completely the sacred cleansing, that talent was bugged, you could resist every spells in the game
    But no one reported the bug from that talent

    In reality, you can't resist everything, you can resist only spells with the same name debuffs on your enemies, such as frostbolt, shadowbolt with dlock talent (shadowbolt from afflilock can't be resisted)

    Spells that do direct damage but applying no debuffs can't be resisted, same apply for purge, that's why sacred cleansing was op

    Exemple of spell that can't be resisted :
    Purge, Lava Burst, Bolt, Wrath, shadowbolt, incinerate, holy shock, icelance (it apply a debuff but not same name), smite, starfire

    Exemple of spell that can be resisted :
    Sheep, hex, clone, fear, nova, frostbolt, immolate, corruption, HoJ, etc...

    The sacred cleansing is probably bugged on others realms, and should be fixed asap)

    With that bug : you can't kill a target with sacred cleansing, well you can but lot of chance to get resisted
    Without that bug : you can finally kill someone with sacred cleansing

    Crying on sacred cleansing is funny, but you can easily counter it if you are actually a good player, like not doting your enemy for 0 reason and wait for an opportunity to cross cc

    There is a lot of talent that are broken in this game, such as frostbite, nightfall, desecration, wild quiver, the art of war, current cheat death, ruthlessness (60% but still rng), improved water shield / tidal force (rng talent), lightning overload, sudden death

    Now, with patch 3.3.5b, ret have infinity mana, druid can't get barkskin dispellable (nerf burst comp such as rmp), damage from frost dk is constant, and this is broken, it should be like sub rogue, playing around pillar waiting procs/full runic power/hungering cold
    Cheat death is now a dispersion, well, it's actually better than dispersion since it's healing you, rogue can wear way lower resilience

    The only good changes is the cloak 100% because it was needed, but others are not, sacred cleansing should get FIXED but NOT removed
    Change for the fury warr/holy priest wasn't needed, these spec can't work in pvp, or if you change them too much they will be overpowered and i don't think it's the solution

    Here i'm talking about the 3v3 ladder

  2. May 28, 2016  
    Am I the only one, who can't take this serious?!

  3. May 28, 2016  
    the way you explain it, it sounds reasonable yet sacred cleansing in it's nature is awful designed talent that increases rng and just makes paladins even more nasty in long games. 3.3.5b is amazing patch and it is easy for you warrpal hero to talk it down and make it look bad.

    Enhancement is really nice with reduced cooldown on wolves, rogues with 100% cloak like it should be, druids with undispellable barkskin is great too (only real defensive cooldown being so weak aint fine), frost dk buffs are totally fine too. i rather play against frost/heal all day rather than warr/heal (and still frost dks are nowhere near popular as arms warriors), ret judgement change is totally fine imo - why should a 5k mana spec get oomed so easily anyway ,especially against priests who slam 3-4 burns in and the first judgement getting shielded is GG.
    Let's not forget the underdogs who became tier2 good like arcane mage,demon lock and Moonkin. all these 3 are awesome and viable right now with 3.3.5b. and really enjoyable to play with/agains. they bring fresh air to the arena. Also about fury - it is actually totally fine dmg wise, it just can't overpower casts and is a bit more clunky than arms in general, but totally playable and fine as it is in the new patch.

    Anyway i think that the majority of players will disagree on 3.3.5a. 3.3.5b is mostly quality of life change with bunch of bonus perks and i see nothing bad in that. I repeat myslef but 3.3.5b is the only reason this server survived in the first place. I suggest you take look at things from different points of view, and not only the one of arms warrior and holy paladin.
    Edited: May 28, 2016

  4. May 29, 2016  
    For those who have trouble reading 1st post i'll translate:

    "Ima worreor. I make damg. I plai warpal and warpalshaman. I kill everitheng. Sometimes I can not kil worlok becuz shaman give roots. I need 10 seconds immune to all spells to never lose. RAWRR."

    Btw enhancement,rogues and boomkins are still **** unless you judge by soloque. Pitiful specs both in 2s and 3s when played vs real opponents.
    Edited: May 29, 2016

  5. May 29, 2016  
    shinta already tricked malaco into giving warriors 3.7 wep, keeping dampening and nerfing mages(warr counter in 2s) via double solace
    however 3.3.5b is awful game design, just dumbed down the game, judge into anything, dont care about mana or runic power just spam dmg
    3.3.5b/dampening just makes the server seem like a funserver

    btw IIRC, sacred cleansing wasn't bugged before 3.3.5b, I don't remember missing other stuff than spells with debuffs
    and I don't think cyclone should be affected by sacred cleansing, since it's not a magic effect but I could be wrong
    Edited: May 29, 2016

  6. May 29, 2016  
    wasn't my idea to keep only 1 solace

    cyclone resist since it's same debuff name than the spell

    boomkin/rogue worked for marm)
    enhancement in 3s was good with sacred cleansing as beastcleave/turbocleave, now it's bad^^

    you can remove dampening, didn't last a game more than 10min yet, so i don't care, i always said remove or change dampening radicaly
    277 weapons was stupid, if you played last seasons, you will understand


  7. May 29, 2016  
    For those who have trouble reading 1st post i'll translate:

    "Ima worreor. I make damg. I plai warpal and warpalshaman. I kill everitheng. Sometimes I can not kil worlok becuz shaman give roots. I need 10 seconds immune to all spells to never lose. RAWRR."

    Btw enhancement,rogues and boomkins are still **** unless you judge by soloque. Pitiful specs both in 2s and 3s when played vs real opponents.
    ad hominem. insulting the person for what the class they play isn't a legitimate argument. shinta laid out good arguments

  8. May 29, 2016  
    You can see the result of such 3.3.5b-like changes on retail(especially those ret-ri pala like changes). Same simplifying of the game but in a much greater scale.
    There will never be balance in this game whatever you change, but the more complicated the game is the more interesting it is. If you like 3 button classes go on retail.
    As for cleansing change itself, it just buffs every single 3v3 (which you all love and worship) castercomb (which are the only ones in the ladder now except lonely homerjay-capsizer-priest team)

  9. May 29, 2016  
    wasn't my idea to keep only 1 solace

    cyclone resist since it's same debuff name than the spell

    boomkin/rogue worked for marm)
    enhancement in 3s was good with sacred cleansing as beastcleave/turbocleave, now it's bad^^

    you can remove dampening, didn't last a game more than 10min yet, so i don't care, i always said remove or change dampening radicaly
    277 weapons was stupid, if you played last seasons, you will understand

    you agreed with 22min which isn't a radical change, and you even wanted dampening in 3s aswell.
    also 264 3.7 deals slightly more damage than 277 3.6 at the cost of resil(not really since you get it back with 1h+shield), so 264 means everything except warriors deals less dmg, how exactly was 277 bad again?
    well udk also gets buffed slightly from bryntroll, but it's not even that good since nerf
    Edited: May 29, 2016

  10. May 29, 2016  
    shinta already tricked malaco into giving warriors 3.7 wep, keeping dampening and nerfing mages(warr counter in 2s) via double solace
    however 3.3.5b is awful game design, just dumbed down the game, judge into anything, dont care about mana or runic power just spam dmg
    3.3.5b/dampening just makes the server seem like a funserver

    btw IIRC, sacred cleansing wasn't bugged before 3.3.5b, I don't remember missing other stuff than spells with debuffs
    and I don't think cyclone should be affected by sacred cleansing, since it's not a magic effect but I could be wrong
    what a useless bad post that is. 3.3.3b awful game design? becouse rets can judgement trough shields and get mana. my god that dumb down of the game is unbearable. 3.3.5b is awesome the way it is. stop looking at 1 change and call it all bull****. Are rets that big of a deal that everyone and their mothers cried the **** out of that change? not really.

    the patch is 90% good changes and 10% neutral changes. how can you call that bad? oh i know why, becouse you play a class that didnt get affected at all by the patch and now you dont give a flying **** about it and want it gone. You guys are so selfish, its just sad. Someone who never looks at the big picture, but only trough his point of view is unworthy to even open his mouth on such matters.

  11. May 29, 2016  
    what a useless bad post that is. 3.3.3b awful game design? becouse rets can judgement trough shields and get mana. my god that dumb down of the game is unbearable. 3.3.5b is awesome the way it is. stop looking at 1 change and call it all bull****. Are rets that big of a deal that everyone and their mothers cried the **** out of that change? not really.

    the patch is 90% good changes and 10% neutral changes. how can you call that bad? oh i know why, becouse you play a class that didnt get affected at all by the patch and now you dont give a flying **** about it and want it gone. You guys are so selfish, its just sad. Someone who never looks at the big picture, but only trough his point of view is unworthy to even open his mouth on such matters.
    I have every class above 2.2 here kid, u don't know what ur talking about.

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