1. Bug increase

    Never normally see any bugs with this server which is the reason i like it so much, but just recently I keep noticing more, and keep seeing people in the global chat talking about bosses bugging and not dropping loot, just wondeirng if anybody has been noticing a similar problem, or if i'm just being picky?

  2. Well quests do seem to bug out each updates. Words of Power for example (1 High Priest is unattackable), Not a Bug (can't summon messenger) and one of the quest from Bone Witch under Valhalas are example that you will find in Northrend. The Gift that Keeps on Giving, one of DK's starting quests is another example (resolved by abandon + retake, autocomplete). There are many more, but mostly happening at near-endgame contents.

    No loot on bosses is rare case though, unless you're dungeon boosted by a class with pet that killed the mob before you or he can deal any damage (technically your pet's damage doesn't count as yours until you attack it yourself. Case of Mage's water elemental, Hunter's pet, DK's non-unholy ghoul and Army and maybe more)

    Oh and I heard Archavon was/is MIA

  3. When is next update coming i wonder for Lordaeron

  4. in case your new to Warmane/Molten it usually goes like this, Fix 1 bug create 2 new bugs.

    Whoever QA team is before release of updates is doing poor job.

  5. in case your new to Warmane/Molten it usually goes like this, Fix 1 bug create 2 new bugs.
    If you think this is unique to us, then you must not get around much.

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