1. Stop leaving Lordaeron!

    It is true that there's not much to do as level 80 here. Also there are less and less people playing and that doesn't help either. True that RDF is not working, grouping up for dungeons or raids is harder, the bosses are more difficult than what you'd expect for a starter, raid setups are different, tactics are different, etc. etc.

    But stop leaving the realm and moving to Icecrown!

    Because things are going to get worse if you leave! There are less and less people playing here. "Only the most stubborn diehards remain" you'd say. But that's why you joined the realm - to experience a true hardcore reality, instead of a realm like Icecrown where you can just log in and play in a raid 24/7, without spending a year or two gearing up. Life is hard.

    Don't get frustrated so fast, it's been barely half a year since the realm opened. It doesn't deserve to die like the old Lordareon did, with open transfers from other realms to fill the free space. There will be new content, just wait for it. It will be awesome again! Keep playing.

  2. Lordaeron died when they boosted everything to ****.Lordaeron died when people with almost 4k gs couldn't clear nax10 (not that you have a reason to,nax10 is supposed to be done with 3k gs).Not to mention other raids.Also merging other two wotlk servers didn't help. Lordaeron died,they just don't know it yet.

  3. kinda expected it, moment icecrown launched is when lordaeron will slow die out. slowly. but surely. slowly.

  4. Give us some PvP privilages like Events, mid Events in 3v3 or just take carre of PvP community and it wont going to happen. But if you want to make pure PvE realm, you can count on 1x per day do daily Heroic, 1x per Weekend Clear for ID and thats it.

    PvP is whats keeping realms alive not PvE.

    Untill then ? See you on Blackrock or IceCrown, cuz there is nothing to do, untill the ID Clears.

    Honest but True, take carre of us and we wont leave. (Nerf DKs or Hunters)

  5. I second Decert00. Imo they messed up big time even applying ANY buff to raids. More than half of Lordaeron population don't want a tryhard realm, but since they spent time leveling 80 they're obliged to stay i guess. Seems more and more like a realm for 150-200 smth ppl raiding hard core content with strictly specific class setups, so for example if you are not one of those classes well you're **** out of luck and won't get picked up for raids and guilds that can clear current buffed content.

  6. It is far from dead, currentlyu it is all fine but what bothers me is that Warmane lost their focus again, they no longer update WotLK but trying to work on all 3 expansion equally as result nothing is getting enough attention

    BTW make Icecrown queue skipping pay per month like on Lordaeron this will force part of the players that dont want to wait a queue to jump on Lord not many will do but some will and this will boost you income too

  7. It is far from dead, currentlyu it is all fine but what bothers me is that Warmane lost their focus again, they no longer update WotLK but trying to work on all 3 expansion equally as result nothing is getting enough attention

    BTW make Icecrown queue skipping pay per month like on Lordaeron this will force part of the players that dont want to wait a queue to jump on Lord not many will do but some will and this will boost you income too
    Far from dead? Intoxication only needs a matter of time to transform into death. If there's nobody interested in detoxicating, it'll be all over soon. Realm filled with newbs, ******s, random ****s and commercial crap.

  8. All these replies make me laugh so much that I spilled my coffee all over the place.
    Well for all the peeps that are foreseeing the so-called death of Lordaeron, guess what:
    - Lordaeron stays on a cool 8-10k people at peak times, which is equivalent to the next 3-4 wotlk servers combined;
    - The majority of the population is not at level 80 yet and I see a big number of people in leveling zones;
    - During midday CET both Stormwind and Dalaran were packed (I did a welcome promotion for low-level players and I've seen both cities);
    - A lot of servers are functional on 2k+ people and all the doombringers are saying that Lordaeron is dying (oh the irony).

    In my opinion I am happy that there are 2 realms now and people are offered different choices but after my observations, Lordaeron is far, far from dying.

  9. Far from dead? Intoxication only needs a matter of time to transform into death. If there's nobody interested in detoxicating, it'll be all over soon. Realm filled with newbs, ******s, random ****s and commercial crap.
    Then let it die. Stop posting in this section. I'm done with all you do here is spread your negativity.
    This isn't a suggestion or a request. If this is your only tone, keep it to yourself.

  10. I still like the realm a lot. My only complaint is that once a person hits 80 they hit a big wall in terms of content.

    The only way they'll be invited to heroics is if they have around 3500 gearscore (what people ask in global, some ask even higher) - which is pretty much impossible to get without perhaps full pvp gear. The other option is to join a guild and have them boost you, or have friends willing to boost you.
    If you happen to be a shy player who don't have a guild or friends (yet) - you will be stuck for several weeks scrounging for the few groups who do normal up/oculus/cos/hos/hol. At this point you might lose interest in the realm and either quit or move to Icecrown.

    In the ICC patch this was solved by having Pit of Saron open to farm triumph emblems - but it's not available here yet.

  11. Play that music when you log Lordaeron.

  12. This still caps 10k lol how's that possible that you get worried so much, wanna go back to 2hrs queues? Fine for me at least IC server wouldn't

  13. fix bugs, remove those stupid raid buffz and we should be fine

  14. Wtf is this outcry about? Lordaeron is still second most populated private server after Icecrown regularly peaking at 12k. I see people everywhere in the evenings.

  15. LOL at the people talking about 7k, 10k. Where are those 7k at ? are they playing solo? Are they hiding from the rest? They sure as hell not lvl 80 so my guess is we have 7k players leveling up that must be it.

    Log in game for 10 mins and tell me if it feels like 7k ppl are on.
    Edited: June 17, 2016

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