1. Updates, fixes and new content releases


    During the time i've been playing here i noticed few things about what title says. On most of the updates that comes with server restart , they tend to bug out something else that was previously working. Some fixes least only for a day, some aren't fixed at all even tho it was stated in changelog that it was fixed. New content releases are being pushed on public realm with full of bugs. I'm not talking about minor bugs, i am talking about game breaking bugs here. I mean look at the Bugtracker. That being said, i simply don't understand how can u push something on public realm that is not working or it does work but not as intended. I mean , don't you guys have a MoP testing realm on a same core as the public one? I mean if you do, are they so different that it works on testing realm and not on public realm? I just want to know, why are u forcing content to be released if its not scripted as it should be. I might be uneducated here, but how i see it you have Public realm where we all enjoy(more or less) and a testing realm(where you test your new scripts, fixes,updates and so on). If it works on testing realm it should work on a public one. Meaning u didn't script well, or you just wanted to release no matter if its working or not just so we can all say i.e warmane got all pandaria raids. I just don't get it. I mean i do honestly appreciate your work so far, this topic is just things that bother me on this server and things i'd like to know.

    Sorry for the long post and a bad english :D

  2. Think of the updates as damage control management.

    The main project is wotlk,always was,always will be,even with the limited coin access in Marketplace.
    Cataclysm is dead,they don't have the expertise to make mists work properly which is why they break as much as they fix every time they release a new row of attempted fixes,yet MoP actually does bring in cash which is why we see rows of ''updates'' once in a while - to give an initiative for new/old players,as soon as the numbers climb up - they stop,the numbers drop down - they resume.
    Think of it this way: After siege of orgrimar has been fully ''released'' they will do the same thing they did with cataclysm,leave mists of pandaria dormant to it's own devices and release warlords of draenor beta realm even tho they said they never will,eventually as people migrate to warlords of draenor and other servers cataclysm will see an announcement of shut down,free transfers will be offered to MoP and other realms for those who stayed behind,and the circle will continue - cataclysm spot will be taken by mop,and what is now mop will be warlords of draenor.
    Essentially they can always advertise them selves having the latest and greatest by having certain groups of people shuffled around newest expansions,while at the same time retain huge numbers of players by having a solid wotlk experience - and if everything hits the fan,they have ''best wotlk private server'' still going for them.

    Inb4 the post gets nuked,a random dev cleans the topic,leaves OP comment and writes down what essentially is a PR copout :)

  3. Think of the updates as damage control management.

    The main project is wotlk,always was,always will be,even with the limited coin access in Marketplace.
    Cataclysm is dead,they don't have the expertise to make mists work properly which is why they break as much as they fix every time they release a new row of attempted fixes,yet MoP actually does bring in cash which is why we see rows of ''updates'' once in a while - to give an initiative for new/old players,as soon as the numbers climb up - they stop,the numbers drop down - they resume.
    Think of it this way: After siege of orgrimar has been fully ''released'' they will do the same thing they did with cataclysm,leave mists of pandaria dormant to it's own devices and release warlords of draenor beta realm even tho they said they never will,eventually as people migrate to warlords of draenor and other servers cataclysm will see an announcement of shut down,free transfers will be offered to MoP and other realms for those who stayed behind,and the circle will continue - cataclysm spot will be taken by mop,and what is now mop will be warlords of draenor.
    Essentially they can always advertise them selves having the latest and greatest by having certain groups of people shuffled around newest expansions,while at the same time retain huge numbers of players by having a solid wotlk experience - and if everything hits the fan,they have ''best wotlk private server'' still going for them.

    Inb4 the post gets nuked,a random dev cleans the topic,leaves OP comment and writes down what essentially is a PR copout :)
    calm down Nostradamus

  4. calm down Nostradamus
    It's not a prediction,it's actually quite sound busyness plan which so far they have followed perfectly,call me in half a year or so if cata is still around and they've yet to announce release of wod or legion.

  5. Sorry but we changed administration to its original since 2015. You are considering the foul administration that occurred in mid 2013 to 2014 led by the one who should not be named.

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