Greetings. <Envy> is an NA guild seeking dedicated players to fill our core 25 man raid roster. We are currently in need of healers / DPS.

FOR HEALERS: Restoration Druids, Restoration Shamans, and 1 Holy Priest.

FOR RANGED DPS: 1 Deep Demo Lock, HYBIRD / Destro Lock, MM Hunter, 1 Fire / 1 Arcane Mage, 1 Boomkin with OS Resto.

FOR MELEE DPS: 1 Assassination Rogue, 1 Enhancement Shaman, 1 Frost Death Knight.

BASIC INFO ABOUT GUILD: We have been raiding / playing WoW for over 10 years. WoTLK was our prime raiding time frame, and we are ready to take on the hardest content to prove ourselves to this server. We are a progressive guild and have no time for children or immature people of that matter. For VOICE we use DISCORD, which is required for raiding.

RAID TIMES: TUESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 11:30 PM ST - 3:30 AM ST. For some of you EU folks, 23:30 is start time. We raid for four hours per raid.

MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS: Discord Voice Program, Flasks, Pots, Food (Consumables) brought to raid. Gear must be fully enchanted + gemmed. We take only 3.6K Gearscore + at the moment. Signing up on our website and applying is also required. The link is here to apply:

CURRENT PROGRESS: Naxx 10 -------- 7/15 NAXX 25 ----------- 3/15 ***We have only been raiding for one week!***

If you have any questions regarding the guild, you can message / mail: Zuq [GM], Nawxx [Officer], Belacqua [Officer], or Sneakysmokes [Officer]

Thank you very much!

Many thanks,
