1. Its P2W for starters only and has a true side but in the end all items except SM can be obtained through coins or through pain. And about SM, it doesnt bring win against skilled pri/mage combos anyway.
    Does it bring more wins against skilled pri/mage combos or less lost games against pri/mage combos than the next best weapon? If yes then it is p2w.

    Also talking about pvp or a specific comp (what comp/class is the person carrying SM playing in your example btw?) isn't really needed. BiS weapon only available for those who use money is p2w. Regardless if it's pve or pvp (and regardless of their rating in arena) or just a "who has the biggest gs"-contest.

    Edit: Now if it was any other weapon than the best weapon in the game, I might not consider it to be p2w. Also, I don't mind p2w or coinshop at all, I enjoy it quite a lot actually.

  2. Don't fool yourself. Icecrown Citadel itself has to be in an appropriate working manner before it would be acceptable to release the quest chain and expect it not to be exploited in any way. That includes bosses not being too easy due to a scripting error, granting the person in question easier progression of the quest chain. How would you feel if someone got an easy X amount of Shadowfrost shards, while you had to fight your way through bosses that are more difficult than they should be?

    Even with that said, indicating the order in which we wish to script things, the logging system we want to implement for the quest chain isn't ready yet.

    Feel free to opt out of "purchasing" said item.

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