1. What to do after CQ cap?

    What's a fun thing to do after you cap your CQ on a 90?

  2. well lots of things. you can do random dungeons to get Valor Points, you can do dailies for gold, level a profession or an alt, do more bgs (because its fun anyway), do more arenas to raise rating, duel people for fun, or go achievement hunting. I just have a couple characters that way i never really hit a point where my conquest is capped on all my guys. Really though its just about having fun

  3. Or you can go deeper into the game, and start doing PvE :D its pretty much time consuming tho!

  4. Try organizing guild events, do world pvp, hunt pets, do transmogs, pet battle and try pve.

  5. go to Timeless isle and farm coins

  6. To summarize above posts, basically NOTHING !!!

  7. Work on professions
    Do dallies, RDF, Dungeon, Raids, etc
    Do low level BGs/Arenas
    Duel people endlessly or talk to them by major city or small town (Goldshire)

    Theres a lot more you can do, if you use your imagination.

  8. Live.
    (You are free at last, yeeey!)

  9. Live.
    (You are free at last, yeeey!)
    So loled true haha

  10. Dont forget you can also troll ppl :D

  11. Go out and enjoy the summer weather. It's what I'm doing anyway.

  12. Go out, have a drink with friends or whatever.
    Or if you absolutely want to stay in game, train yourself. Do BGs, duels, arenas, wpvp, anything to get better and better day after day.

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