Hej kära medmänniskor! Vi är ett gäng progress-sugna as på Lordaeron som har en mängd erfarenhet när det kommer till raids - speciellt i WotLK. Med det sagt så är vi till 100% svenska medlemmar och kommer troligen behålla det så. Vad vi letar är efter är DIG, som kan känna igen sig i det som står här under. Och som dessutom vill raida med svenskar. Eftersom jag från början skrev detta i recruitment-sektionen på Lordaeron så blev det på engelska. Men känns som att om man vill progressivt med oss, så kan det vara bra att kunna det internationella språket också. Då ett-hundra-procent av spelet är på just det språket, Engelska. Hör gärna av er med eventuella frågor till oss ingame.

Holy Paladin
Resto shaman w/ elemental off spec
Shadow priest w/ healing off spec

Invoked is a fairly new PvE progression raiding guild here on Lordaeron. We are currently recruiting players who are both motivated and dedicated to raid at a high standard for competitive raiding. Leaders with years of end-game experience ensuring progressive and enjoyable raiding.
We are looking for players who are enthusiastic about progression raiding and want to get the most out of their game time. To us approaching problems with a positive attitude and enjoying the time we spend playing the game are more important than anything.

With that said, we are not a laid back or casual guild when it comes to raid time. We have high expectations and the intent of bleeding edge progression in mind. We thrive on challenge, which is why we chose to play on Lordaeron. Laziness is not an option - like us you should be passionate about the game, and want your character to be the best it can possibly be.

During the summer we have chosen to ignore 25 man raiding. We are instead highly focused on 10 mans and already have one group up and going strong. For our second group (where most of our leaders will be participating) we are still missing 5 experienced and motivated players. But are however also considering players with exceptional applications.

Our raid times are currently set at
Mondays 17.00-22.00 (ST)
Wednesdays 17.00-22.00 (ST)

For which we currently demand HIGH attendance

For more information contact

Or visit us at
Our Website