1. Can you mass dispel a pally bubble?

    It says immune every time I try to.

  2. Yes you can, but it isn't a 100% chance, so you may have to spam it a few times.

  3. Yes, you can. That's one of the two ways for removing bubble, the other one being warriors' Shattering Throw. The spell can miss, though, like any other spell can.

  4. Yes you can basically dispel 99% of spells used by Paladins, and with Mass Dispel you can remove Bubble too. Hower it's not 100% sure you'll do it at the first try, because if I'm not wrong they have a talent that reduces chance of a buff to be dispelled, so sometimes you might get his Bubble at first try and sometimes you'll need to spam Mass Dispel different times.

  5. Only when it's my paladins bubble (yes I have the talent). It usually takes 3 sometimes 4 to pop a paladin's bubble when I'm playing my priest.

  6. Only when it's my paladins bubble (yes I have the talent). It usually takes 3 sometimes 4 to pop a paladin's bubble when I'm playing my priest.
    True story :(

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