1. Older Battlegrounds + Legacy raids buffed (What) ?

    Hello there , fellow Neltharion PvP lovers , i joined this amazing server about a month ago and i started PvP-ing as well as farming Legacy raids for glorious transmogrification items. What i realised tho is that the legacy raids are buffed and extremely hard to solo such as The Black Temple , bosses usually have around 2-3 milion HP but here the first boss by itself has like 7m and it should have 1.8 to be precise. Now about the PvP and older battlegrounds , like Strand of the Ancients which is really fun tbh or Isle of Conquest which is also fun but not only that , they are both required for the title Battlemaster .
    Overall in my opinion the server is great but with a bit more effort put in it , it could become a really nice place and attract more players to join it therefore increase the population and the income (donations) which are always great , because without them Warmane won't exist and Warmane really is the place to play in if not in retail.

    Sincerely Shatzu.

  2. I think they only ported everything as they were in Lordaeron (in which the pve contents are buffed) and just fixed for crashes and thats it, as you can see the mobs of old Stockades (pre-cata) and the new Stockades overlap, and we had to wait for more than a year for that content
    And sure we could use more BGs, it gets boring doing Arathi and small Arathi (Gilneas), Warsong Gulch and large Warsong Gulch(Twin Peaks) and the child of arathi and warsong gulch (EotS) over and over, with a rare AV here and there, but I think BGs with vehicles must be a pain in the *** to code, and as cata is not their priority now we better dont get our hopes up

  3. I think they only ported everything as they were in Lordaeron (in which the pve contents are buffed) and just fixed for crashes and thats it, as you can see the mobs of old Stockades (pre-cata) and the new Stockades overlap, and we had to wait for more than a year for that content
    And sure we could use more BGs, it gets boring doing Arathi and small Arathi (Gilneas), Warsong Gulch and large Warsong Gulch(Twin Peaks) and the child of arathi and warsong gulch (EotS) over and over, with a rare AV here and there, but I think BGs with vehicles must be a pain in the *** to code, and as cata is not their priority now we better dont get our hopes up
    Either that or devs are dyslexic. With those combat logs my bets is on second option.

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