1. Deciding where to play

    Title really says it, Just wondering about rates of each server? i am new to warmane and trying to decide where to play any assistance would be appercaited.

  2. WotLK:
    Lordaeron (1x all rates, buffed raids, limited coin shop, currently opened wotlk raids are Naxx and Ulduar, ToC coming soon)
    Icecrown (7x xp rates, 5x prof rates, normal raids, all content open)
    Blackrock (instant 80 pvp only realm)

    Nelthation (7x xp rates, 5x prof rates, normal raids, all content open)
    Warsong (instant 85 pvp only realm)

    Frostwolf (7x xp rates, 5x prof rates, normal raids, SoO not dropping loot yet / being worked on)

  3. Can some1 describe current Lordaeron pvp situation ?

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