1. starting pvp

    i'm new to wow and i was thinking of making a new character for pvp so do i need to do some pve first (if yes how far)or can i immediately jump right into it?

  2. Choose a Class, no Matter which. Play it all the way trough 80. While leveling Set some keybinds for your spells and use them! like R; Q ; E; F; T; G;V;B;X or what ever hotkey you like. Then make some gear via PVE don't Que into BGS[=Battlegrounds,its the PVP-only area] with no gear at all[ If you do, you wont do a favour to your team and you decrease the chance of you team to win, since you will feed the enemy Team]. Watch some guide, read some guide about your class. Get a Guild, stick with some people.You can do 1k everytime i pops up. Then when you have like full Blue gear and some Epics maybe, I would recommend you to que for Battlegrounds.Try to help the group to win teamfights, doing DMG with crap gear wont help anyhow, try to Crowdcontrole the enemy, fear for example the healer or possible tank. Or just heal , its fine too.

    If you have no Idea about anything look forward to learn the basics, look for Videos in youtube or maybe just Whisper some randoms Dude with some rating or just a Guilde who is good or decent at PVP. You have alot to learn noob!
    Edited: August 13, 2016

  3. Just hit 80 and queue BGs, there's tons of people doing it, no reason for you not to do it if you really hate pve.
    If you'd like to see some terrible players whine about nonsense stuff then do a bit of RDFs and when you get some gear then go for BGs.

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