1. Feral or Ret Paladin for pvp?

    Im wondering because i started to level up a feral, and some people told me that ret pally is better but last time i played pally on mop i dealt no dmg what so ever. So could you help me choose ? =)

  2. Hi,

    for the first there is no better class, u need to think how u want to make damage...
    Warriors for example are doing CONSTANT damage, they have a 3 min burst where they deal just ridiculus damage i dont know about ferals but i think they are a constant dealing damage class aswell.
    Ret Paladins can deal a RIDICULUS amount of damage but only in burst and a correct rotation.
    U said u dealt low dmg as paly... how was your gear? do you know the correct set ups and the "rotation" for the perfect burst? if not thats no wonder that u deal low damage, only a class wont make u oneshot people.

    So in my opinion you should deceide what kind of pvp u want to play (Bgs, wordpvp, 2s/3s/5s) and what type of damage you want to deal (constant damage or only burst damage).

    If u have any question feel free to ask.


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