1. Suggestion: Enable Auction House to sell transmogs for case credit.

    Since most of players have tons of transmogs to sell, and it gets harder and harder to link them all when advertising a selling I think it would be a nice idea to enable AH for selling transmog items.

    My suggestion is to be able to sell through AH transmogs for case credit (cases or tokens), I don't know if there is much of a scripting challenge to allow multiple currencies running through AH, so using only one exchange "coin" would be better I guess...

    Thanks, have a great day.

  2. why should u be able to trade mogs in the first place? when theres still arena rating req on the vendor
    1500 dogs running around in sunwell mogs

  3. why should u be able to trade mogs in the first place? when theres still arena rating req on the vendor
    1500 dogs running around in sunwell mogs
    Well I believe the server admin wanted to attract as many players as possible, by atleast giving them possibility of looking good even if they don't perform well in arena. :D

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