1. Looting in dungeons

    SO I do my daily rdf,s almost everyday but, sometimes I will get that one person who needs on every little boe. And when you ask him to stop the answer is I "I need it for de on my alt". What I do know is warn them to stop and if they don't I pretty attempt to kick if they have friends who don't want to kick I pretty much troll the dungeon (since I love tanking) I don't so what im supposed to or just wipe it. WHat I would like to know if this is bannable what im doing as I destroy the rdf group? I know its wrong but I have de too and I don't need on items just to give me that boost I select greed, next question why cant people do the same I mean some people actually need the gear and you make it unfair on other players

  2. I have seen the same thing, especially in the FoS instances... when any BoE drops, some people always roll need no matter what. After the first time it happens, and especially if another person needs the item... I always start need rolling against them. When I get an item that someone needs and I do not, I hand it over. This usually results in that person getting upset because they "really really need all these BoEs!! STOP ROLLING NEED!!" which I laugh and just reply "yeah, so do I now. You stop rolling need..." and just counter-troll the greedy.

  3. Screenshot and submit as ninja looting. They will get temporarily banned. We had someone needing on a lot of gear in our ICC run and some Heroics, same problem. He got banned for 10 days. A player doesn't need Cloth, Leather, Mail, and Plate lol.

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