1. icc is now 4 bosses only and ro

    like the title say, after DBS you cant procced because the doors are closed.

  2. Can't tell if this is serious or a poor attempt at trolling.

    Ran ICC 25 normal yesterday without a single problem. Haven't heard anyone else complaining about not being able to do ICC or I'm sure the forums would've blown up by now. I have however heard of what you mention happening on rare occasions which sad to say is probably a difficult to reproduce bug. I'd say try resetting the instance, changing it from 10 to 25 or vice versa, reforming the raid, or waiting for the next server crash / reset and trying again to see if the doors are still closed.

    RIP your RNG luck :\
    Edited: September 19, 2016

  3. not sure about RNG but today my guildies occured the same problem on 3 different raids, looks like it got bugged since last restart

  4. +++
    Today , my guild have had the same problem. I wasnt in group just read on gchat.

  5. Can confirm the g chat reports, however pugs on global were looking for players at later bosses...

  6. We encountered a same problem last night. After DBS the door stayed closed and we couldn't continue. We tried jumping from DBS platform and killing ourselves but when we tried to enter icc it said "You can't enter while encounter is in proggress"(mind you, we killed DBS, got the loot and then died). Also DBS had 35mil. HP in icc25 normal...

  7. Same thing happened to us last night on 25 man normal. After saurfang died he kept yelling "Feast my minions!" and we were in combat. Well we all jumped off the ship and came back and then we got the loot but still the doors did not open. Then we went outside and reseted the raid after which DBS character respawned but was untargetable and had no nameplate on him.

  8. We encountered a same problem last night. After DBS the door stayed closed and we couldn't continue. We tried jumping from DBS platform and killing ourselves but when we tried to enter icc it said "You can't enter while encounter is in proggress"(mind you, we killed DBS, got the loot and then died). Also DBS had 35mil. HP in icc25 normal...
    Can confirm this, the same thing happened to me

  9. 4 icc runs now, all ro on DBS.
    Edited: September 20, 2016 Reason: bug?

  10. This shouldn't be happening anymore, since a fix for this issue have been applied earlier today.

  11. It shouldnt but it still does. I ran 2 ICC 10's with my guild and i led them. Both times we had to RO at DBS. We killed him but we were stuck in combat. We had to all jump off and run back in. We were able to loot it but doors didnt open.

  12. Just did 25n with some pug rejd. Doors remained closed.

  13. Did 10hc with about 6 people today just to try out the door and it still bugs out, same problem described in this thread.

  14. This shouldn't be happening anymore, since a fix for this issue have been applied earlier today.
    I was in icc 10 normal before like 8 hrs and it was still bugged doors didn't open, combat bug for all.

  15. This shouldn't be happening anymore, since a fix for this issue have been applied earlier today.
    It works thanks .

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