1. To answer you and others Snot.

    Yes. You can use Cloth/Mail/Leather/Plate and Weapons anything goes .

    Use your imagination to create a nice and cool looking outfit :)

    BTW il Rise the Prize Pool

    If I will have more then 30 people participating I will rise it to 150k

    So 100k for 15+
    125k for 20+
    150k for 30+

  2. For some of you a question showed up on my Private Messages

    The day is stated in the Post and about the hour. I will announce the Time that the event will take place exacly 1 week before it and about the place it will be made in a Raid and that will be Ulduar.

    All of the participants will be invited in the Group and we will go inside of Ulduar so we cant be disturbd.

    Same goes for the Horde Side.

    The event will be Streamed Live and Recorded on http://twitch.tv/raifury_official so everyone can see that everything is legit.

    The Winner will be selected by 3 Judges that includes me and 2 others.

    Each player that will be Eliminated from the Competition will be Uninvited from the party and auto teleported outside of the Raid.

    You can use emotes like: Flex/LOL/Point/Attack etc. Anything that you think can improve your looks.

    Mounts are not permited. If anyone will mount up and called to get down from it and not do it, it will result instant Kick from the event

    I want this to be clear that I do this from my own gold and I dont want trolls or any other people that want to take this event as a joke

    We will have fun and we will do some trolling no problem but if you come to participate only to be a wizeguy and not respect the people that actualy might need the Gold please step aside.

    A RaidCall Server will be put up for the participants. All participants must have RaidCall + The name has to be 100% like the ingame name.


  3. Wont be there but gonna flex anyway.
    GL to everyone :)

    ...pls no steal
    Edited: September 26, 2016

  4. From what I see, no one is interested in such a event

    Nobody reply to this post as I specify in the description

    Pitty. I cant give gold to people just for playing the game

  5. The Event will be Saturday at 20:00 Realm Time.

    Whisper me then for Invites!!!

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