1. Panda starting zone

    How do you get through the zone if essential quests are bugged like Shu, The Water Spirits platforms. Is there a way to bypass the zone?

  2. Well from observing the zone multiple times, some people had the bright idea to cheat their way past that part. The only way to pass it legibility, is to fight with that object that forces you to jump, or you can try to climb the side of the wall or something to get to the waters above. So far just a few Pandaren is able to get pass that part you speak of, and this is something the zone sensei guy can't help you with, unless he is a priest or something.

  3. The way I got out was I got the thing that turns you into a frog so you jump higher and then went behind the waters and made it trough the hills there, took a few tries but it worked.

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