1. Best pve class

    what you think it is the best DPS pve class for this server?

  2. Cancerdins or dks. God easy to play classes.
    Hate from these mains inc.

  3. Frost/unh dks; ferals; hunters; mages; warriors; affliction wlocks; rogues. All of these classes and their respective specs can be competitive. Being "the best" is very subjective from raid to raid and person to person. No two raids will be identical, contrary to some people's beliefs, thus each class (and spec) can shine more/less than the rest. Feel free to try whichever one you enjoy most.

    Edit: The other unmentioned classes (and specs) have more supportive roles or are bugged in a bad way (think blood dks) and will be doing less than the ones mentioned above almost always.

    Edit2: Here's a very similar topic if you'd like to read.
    Edited: September 25, 2016

  4. Best dpses are mages and hunters, don't listen to others. To get any decent dps with melees u have to have sm, and yet these 2 classes still heavily outdamage them (+ melees have to move on some encounters, while rdpses do couple steps and keep going).
    Edited: September 26, 2016

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