1. Yeah i didnt try 25 hc yet. But 25 normal should be at least a little bit challenging. Not complete faceroll like this.

    And these ppl should go to Icecrown by all means..
    This is supposted to be HARDCORE realm for **** sake.

    Yeah and thats how its supposted to be. Wtf were casual players doing on hardcore realm in a first place?
    Ppl who are uncapable to learn most basic vanilla mechanics and tactics. Like not standing in aoe. Should not go play on a hard realm, unless they are willing to tryhard and improve.

    And this is the biggest problem with all of gaming. Making everything casual and super izi so every braindead incompetent moron can play aswell. Ppl who want izi raids and izi loots should go to Icecrown by all means.

    If you find it boring to wipe on first boss all day. Then mby, just mby you should try working on yourself. Trying to get better gear from emblems or trying to get good. But all ppl want novadays is free stuff with no effort.

    These "players" who dont even know what flasks, buffood, tactics, using brain and reasoning is, should never have gone to hardrealm in a first place unless they are willing to improve. And if they are not willing to improve. Then they should get stuck useless with no raids wanting to take them and no gear whatsoever. As its supposted to be.
    They made normal/Heroics raid for those ppl who look for more casual game.

    you wanna tryhard? go to HC and show skill or shut up

    ToC was crap content also on retail but ToGC was little bit harder and here is super hard what i seen.

  2. Holy ****, what a huge amount of filthy casuals commenting on this post. I could not agree with this guy more. It's a hardcore server.

    Gotta miss the old days were video games weren't designed so that any 11 year old could flop his tiny wiener all over the keyboard/controller and win the whole game, because oh no, what an apocalypse it would be if you actually failed once or twice, on your way to victory.

    How do you people even find a sense of achievement playing games like this?

    "I wanna see gut gear only on ppl who deserve it." - Best quote on this thread

    Go play retail guys. Let blizzard babysit you like they are doing to their "players"

  3. this guy is a complete moron, even if you buff raids, some are just easy like TOC and onyxia and you saying that the casuals should GTFO, thats not your's to decide. Some people want to play on 1x but not be as hardcore as your egoistic *** so sit the **** down and raid with your guild and ignore the server, if you couldn't get in a good guild then im sorry you're a casual too and gtfo to icecrown aswell if I use your logic.

  4. Holy ****, what a huge amount of filthy casuals commenting on this post. I could not agree with this guy more. It's a hardcore server.

    Gotta miss the old days were video games weren't designed so that any 11 year old could flop his tiny wiener all over the keyboard/controller and win the whole game, because oh no, what an apocalypse it would be if you actually failed once or twice, on your way to victory.

    How do you people even find a sense of achievement playing games like this?

    "I wanna see gut gear only on ppl who deserve it." - Best quote on this thread

    Go play retail guys. Let blizzard babysit you like they are doing to their "players"
    With your mindset you are going to kill the server. Also all you do is hate and complain - there was actually no argument why / why not the changes are good, just a lot of hate from you.

    "Failed once or twice" - Really? There are people spending hours to clear instances, without getting any victory. Don't you even try sending people to an other realm, that is not the same. "Any 11 year old" You do understand that a huge part of the wow population are now people that got family, work, educating, etc and don't have time for as hardcore as it was.

    Hardcore, okey - but how hardcore is okey? How much buff do you need to feel achivement?
    Do you also really think that every person are looking for achievement playing games? No, a lot people play games for just the fun part of it.
    Edited: September 30, 2016

  5. i support giving OP and 'Sconje' guy their wine and tell them to sit in corner while others can enjoy the party together.

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