1. Cooking and Tilling

    Well, it is no secret that these two things are extremely bugged, and they don't seem to be interested in fixing them any time soon. It is possible to get rep and max skill with these, but I'm a bit at a loss. I understand that due to the "Way" being bugged with cooking, you have to get exalted with the tillers. The tillers are way bugged though, so could someone post a link to a guide for warmane that explains how to level tiller rep? Or just explain it here. thanks

  2. Check this reply if you're interesting in cooking.
    About tillers reputation - I did it couple ago on my druid without big problems, just objects of some quests like the one with rocks are not visible, but you still can kill them.

    Here you go their exact locations, just aoe and will get them
    Edited: October 3, 2016

  3. I did the Tillers in basically 1 day. I started with all the quests just trying em if they are working or not, and most of them worked. I can't tell you which ones tho, because it was a while ago. Then i got stuck at 1 quest away from exalted.... guess what? There is a lonely dog that gives a quest, but it's not in any of the quest hubs, i't behind a rock near a road. Don't forget that one!

  4. The quest to remove glass of farm land is fixed , which is near the lower mid map!

    if you try all possible quests in horde/ally, use 30points change to another side, and you can do most quest AGAIN!

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